The first page of the invoice contains summary information about the registered owner of the vehicle, account activity, and payment options. Paying with cash means using legal tender, whether notes or coins, in order to pay your toll. 24/7 customer service via phone: 1-866-274-9749 or by email at is available to help and guide you throughout the PayByPlate MA online payment process. The program works without toll booths on the Mass Turnpike (I-90), Tobin Memorial Bridge, and the Sumner, Callahan, and Ted Williams Tunnels. The printable toll schedule is also available on that page under Toll Schedules. Now lets go to Username, password or account locked? All fields required Type of Login Invoice Number License Plate License Plate State Login To pay by check or money order, please follow the instructions on your Pay By Plate MA invoice. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In many cases, you may look up your notice or invoice online, using only the vehicle's license plate number, to find tolls that may be due. The good news is that paybyplatema is also available at Espanol. Massachusetts 01501-8007. MA allows you to use Massachusetts tollways without having a E-ZPass MA transponder (or any transponder), or even an account. Turkey Lake Service Plaza Milepost 263 Bldg. Did you receive an invoice in the mail? If you get an invoice from Pay by Plate for a missed toll you can pay it online or by mail with a check or money order. Credit card payments or debit card payments are used on some roadways, particularly across the Midwest and on privately-managed roads; however, this option is offered neither widely nor universally. The portal ensures that these four PaybyPlateMa online payment methods are completely easy and safe for users. Of those "pay-by-plate" drivers, nearly 1.8 million had made at least one payment for tolls owed since the cashless system took effect in October 2016 -- for a total collection of $54 million . If you have any problems with this article, feel free to leave a comment to help everyone. Contact EZDrive Customer Service by phone, email, or chat. A Pay by Plate MA invoice will be generated approximately every 30 days for travel on MassDOT toll roads. TollWiki is a trademark of MapUp Inc. The official website hosts this payment gateway and allows users to complete their payment process online. Other Important Forms and Applications. In case exact an payment is not available, many agencies will permit overpayment at an unstaffed toll booth; however, no change will be issued for payment above the required toll. To get a regular E-ZPass transponder, USA registered vehicle license plate number is required. Approximately 40 days after travel, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive an invoice for all trips made through the Toll Points. PA Turnpike Toll By Plate invoices indicate the due date for payment along with information and instructions regarding payment. Each payment method is safe and easy for users to use. The vehicle may not be sold or otherwise transferred at this time. PaybyPlateMa is a problem solver that makes it easy for vehicle owners to pay their tolls without wasting a lot of time and energy. APay by Plate MA registeredaccount allows you to pay your tolls through your vehicle's license plate number. As states and agencies continue adopting more sophisticated technology, the option to pay all tolls using a mobile app is becoming more widespread. Massachusetts toll roads offer a pay-by-plate option, which means you can pay your toll online within a few days, or you will receive an invoice. It's simple, too. We will use this information to improve this page. 90 days after the invoice date, vehicle owners may be required to pay an additional $ 20 fee for each day of unpaid parking to renew their RMV license. This is particularly true for a pre-registered plate payment account. EZDriveMA is the name of the Massachusetts toll system. Notes on terminology: Pay by Plate Massachusetts Customer Service allows you to pay toll charges online from any location. Drivers can also view their toll history, make payments, update payment methods, and more. You must have received it when registering via PaybyPlateMa login or with your PaybyPlateMa login authorization. In the commonwealth of Massachusetts, there is one agency that manages toll collection. Please login to view and pay your Pay By Plate MA invoice (s) The information required to complete the fields below can be found on your invoice. Your E-ZPass MA transponder offers reduced tolls on MA highways. In this method, the customers have to deposit the money in their accounts manually. Peak-hours toll charges are more than off-peak hours. The second page of the invoice includes all activity for one license plate within the 30-day billing invoice period. In situations involving the mailing of a toll notice or invoice, the notice will be sent to the address that matches the vehicle registration. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. You can conveniently pay the invoice online, by phone, or through the mail. Some customer service centers have been reopened. Once the toll trip is processed, an invoice is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle approximately 7-10 business days after the trip. E-ZPass MA is the easiest way for Massachusetts drivers to pay their tolls through the official portal The Pay by the Plate MA service is ideal for those looking to save time as it electronically obtains the name and address of the registered vehicle owner in order to issue an invoice to collect tolls and related fees that are required by the state. Convenient options include payment online, through our mobile app, PA Toll Pay, by phone or mail. The toll payment is charged based on the identification of the vehicle's license plate. Appointment required to visit a customer service center. Failing to make a toll payments after getting in invoice could result in a toll violation. Notes on terminology: Pay By Plate MA is the Massachusetts pay by plate system. You will need to provide the PaybyPlate Ma ticket number associated with your vehicle, which is printed on the paper ticket issued to you at the time of toll payment. Registration in this portal is completely free for all users. Watch a video outlining what to expect with Toll By Plate. The state department of Massachusetts has come with an online PaybyPlateMa Login portal that provides users with an incredible opportunity to make their toll payments. Please note your license plate and invoice number on your check or money order. Toll payments are then made from your account balance. You also get an invoice after you make a payment using the PaybyPlateMa Login portal. Visit the official Pay By Plate MA login at Massachusetts Department of Transportation Basic rules for license plate payments: A Pay by Plate MA invoice will be generated approximately every 30 days for travel on MassDOT toll roads. registration. TollGuru is a product of MapUp and reflects our mission to serve businesses of all sizes. EZDriveMa is the online home of Massachusetts all electronic tolling program. Toll By Plate is a license plate tolling system that captures Use our quick links to pay your Pay By Plate MA Invoice. With a postpaid account, you will be billed for your toll usage every 30 days. This will allow you to take advantage of discounts they may offer. Using the license plate payment method allows drivers to travel toll roads, without having to buy a transponder or carry cash. Can I check my account balance on the official Pay By Plate MA registration portal? How can you pay my PayByPlate MA tolls on the internet? Cookies help us deliver our services. You can also pay by credit card or check by phone, online, or by mail. if not registered to an account, use of the transponder in another state could result in you receiving violations. Whichever method you choose, be sure to monitor your account balance and pay your bills on time to avoid any penalties or fines. Travelled on MA toll roads without an E-ZPass? Pay By Plate MA Login at for Online Toll Payment [2023] December 25, 2022 December 5, 2022 by Marry Soni PaybyPlateMA is the new technology that provides the customer with an easy way to participate in electronic toll collection. With a TBP account you are able to: Under each Toll By Plate account, you can register up to four personally operated vehicles (15,000 lbs. Change can only be issued at staffed toll booths. General queries regarding the PaybyPlateMa MA service can be directed to the Customer Service Center at 27 Midstate Drive Auburn, MA 01501-1800 or you can also use the fax number: (508) 786-5222. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Whenopening an account, you will be selecting betweena Pre-paid and Post-paid account. Contents show 1 How do I pay I-90 toll in Massachusetts? 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When you log-in to your E-ZPass account, you will be able to manage this balance automatically or manually and see past toll charges, including updating your payment information. Drive through the toll plaza: As you drive through it, cameras will take a photo of your license plate and match it to the vehicle registration on file. Plate payment involves taking a snapshot of your vehicle's license plate, using other equipment to determine your vehicle class, then issuing a toll statement, often on a 30-day invoicing schedule. Copyright 2020-21 | Disclaimer: This website is not associated with the. Massachusetts 01501-8007. Search and Pay for your Toll transactions by License Plate License Plate: How to enter license plate number License Plate Country: License Plate State: By selecting "Search and Pay for your Toll transactions by License Plate", you certify that you are the registered vehicle owner, or are authorized to access this vehicle's toll transactions. The cost of traveling the entire Massachusetts Turnpike costs between $7.50 and $14.00 for 2-axle cars and vehicles, depending on how you pay. In simple words, you need to check if they will let you use the rental cars license plate for registering for E-ZPass. The compatibility of a toll pass will depend upon the state in which you travel and the roadway being used. If you have any questions about your invoice, visit our Help Center. Toll rates for Massachusetts bridges and tunnels. You can also choose the direct debit payment method, which will automatically withdraw the amount on the predefined date. With the various payment options available, its easy to choose the one that best suits your needs. If for any reason the OTG transponder does not read correctly in Massachusetts toll lanes, a picture of your license plate will be captured and you will be mailed a Pay By Plate invoice. Payment Methods Offered by PaybyPlate Ma Payment Methods The state of Massachusetts offers a convenient way to pay your toll bills through an electronic billing system, installed all across the Highways across the state. PA Turnpike Toll By PlatePO Box 645631Pittsburgh, PA 15264-5254. This is particularly true for a pre-registered plate payment account. This can be done by using a credit or debit card. Just follow the checkout steps in our article and complete the checkout process in minutes. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Yes, exactly. Click here to register or open a Toll By Plate account. Out of state E-ZPass accounts do not provide toll discounts on MA roadways. In Massachusetts, how much are the tolls? If you want to make a transaction at a PaybyPlateMa service center, you must schedule an appointment online. On-board check-in option, valid only on MA routes. Pay By Plate MA and E-ZPass MA are part of EZDriveMA. The Pay By Plate MA registration portal is available at the URL Here are more details onusing PlatePass while traveling to northeast states[5]. Prepaid accounts allow you to pay tolls by transferring a bank, credit or debit . Any invoice for tolls in Mass are connected to your license plate number since that is how the system charges you.Here is a link with the customer service contact information for the program, I am sure it can be looked up for you : [deleted] 8 mo. Master Card, VISA, American Express and Discover). Get ready to start saving by pre-registering for your Toll By Plate Account and setting up automatic funding. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. You skipped the table of contents section. Another popular pass here is NationalPass. Please let us know how we can improve this page. Read the same below: Therefore, the PaybyPlateMa online payment account password reset process will make it clear to you that the process is extremely easy for users to follow. We work with government agencies to provide you with accurate information. However, there are no cash toll plazas in Massachusetts. Remember: Go Online Before You Go On The Road! Use this button to show and access all levels. You can access their website to make payments for your tolls and get more information about paybyplatema in Spanish. If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. Once you have registered, you can use your E-ZPass transponder to pay for tolls. Massachusetts toll roads offer a pay-by-plate option, which means you can pay your toll online within a few days, or you will receive an invoice. When you open an E-ZPass MA account, your transponder is available to you at no charge. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Postpaid accountsalso require a bank, credit, or debit card on your account. The bill will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle. Take a look at the outstanding features of this Pay By Plate MA registration portal for state drivers. Begin the registration process by marking your attendance at the URL Ma account with monthly: possibility of recharging with a valid card only on MA routes. On The Go (OTG) transponder:If you live in Massachusetts and need a transponder immediately or plan to travel to Massachusetts, or have rented a car, OTG transponder can be a good option. You can then use this ticket number to make a payment online or over the phone. No transponder no problem, we will mail a toll invoice to the vehicles registered owner. Click Add Contact to add your primary contact. With a registered MA Pay-by-Plate account, you can easily pay your tolls with your gray card. Unpaid parking fees can result in RMV fines, including the possibility of not renewing your permit or registration. Box 847840 However, there are no cash toll plazas in Massachusetts. On top of that, with this innovative technology hundreds and thousands of gallons of gas can be saved each year. When you do this, the Pay by Plate system sends an invoice to the registered owner of the vehicle based on pictures of your license plate. Paying tolls in Massachusetts is necessary for using the states highways and bridges. 2. The transponder is for use only on two-axle, four tire vehicles with passenger plates commercial vehicles are not allowed to use OTG transponders. This system helps to ensure that tolls are paid in a timely manner and that the proper fees are collected from registered vehicle owners. Toll plazas in most countries provide cash payments. Official Website or Post Comments But remember first things first. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Massachusetts' all electronic tolling program. When you create an E-ZPass MA account, your transponder is provided and you dont have to pay a penny. NEW YORK AND MASSACHUSETTS are now working together to make sure everyone pays their fair share of tolls.Starting December 31, 2018:Vehicle owners in New York and Massachusetts who have unpaid tolls and fees in the other state will have a hold placed on their vehicle registrations.This means you won't be able to renew your registration until your toll violations are resolved.To avoid fees and . This number can then be used to make payments online or over the phone. Your E-ZPass MA transponder offers reduced tolls on MA highways. Once you have paid the outstanding tolls, you can also dispute any charges that may be incorrect. We work with government agencies to provide you accurate information. The PlatePass service enables you to avoid costly toll violation fines otherwise incurred if high-speed toll lanes are used without toll tag. Fax: 508-786-5222. If the vehicle is a rental, the start and end dates of the rental agreement for any leased or rented vehicles that will be used for travel. Some page levels are currently hidden. I was traveling on the Mass Pike exactly a month ago, from the NY/MA line to I-91, and then back again the same day. Online using Pay By Plate Mail a check to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts EZDriveMA Payment Processing Center P.O. To make traveling the PA Turnpike safer and easier, we've implemented All-Electronic Tolling across the entire roadway. Furthermore, no single agency currently accepts all apps for payment, and no toll payment app has yet been adopted universally. With EZDriveMA, there are now four different options of paying tolls. Just purchase an E-ZPass transponder, set up your payment Toll invoices may include an administrative fee for issuing the invoice. A registered user can pay his toll directly on the official website 2009 - 2023 Turnpike Information Company: The Turnpike AuthorityRemember: Go Online Before You Go On The Road!, 2009 - 2023 TURNPIKE INFORMATION COMPANY, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Pay By Plate MA - with an account Pay By Plate MA - with no account Pay By Plate MA will always be more expensive and less reliable than using the electronic E-ZPass MA device. For agencies that collect cash payments, tolls are often taken at unstaffed toll booths. How do I make my payment in the PaybyPlateMa registration portal? Click on the map to open toll wiki for a country/state. For a road-by-roadway list of where each payment type is accepted, jump to the Massachusetts road list below. Yes, paybyplate ma is completely legit and is an official method for paying tolls in the state of Massachusetts. PlatePass: PlatePass is an electronic toll payment system that enables vehicle renters to use high-speed electronic toll collection lanes and bypass backups at cash lanes or pay tolls at booth where cash is not accepted. As soon as your balance is too low, your account will be replenished with the assigned payment option. Once your balance is too low, your account will replenish using your assigned payment choice. Most agencies already offer the option to manage a toll transponder account via an app. We will use this information to improve this page. EZDriveMA accepts all E-ZPass transponders issued by out of state E-ZPass toll agencies. Brown. A picture of your license plate is taken as you go through. Until OTG transponder is registered to an E-ZPass MA account, certain restrictions and limitations apply. Hence you will need some way to make a payment. Past due invoices include a late fee of either $5 or the equivalent of 1.5% of the total amount owed, whichever is higher. Instead of mailing your bill, you can use your PaybyPlateMa account to pay immediately with a debit or credit card or even your mobile phone.PaybyPlate MA is an advantageous toll program in which the vehicle registration number is identified and the toll is collected. However, you can use EZDriveMA to manage your account and make payments online or over the phone. Youll need to ensure that your account stays funded as if your account runs out of money, youll be charged a penalty fee. You can also add money to your account by submitting a cheque to the pay by plate ma service centers or agencies. The program works without toll booths on the Mass Turnpike (I-90), Tobin Memorial Bridge, and the Sumner, Callahan, and Ted Williams Tunnels. Place transponder on vehicle: The transponder should be placed inside the windshield, typically on the drivers side, behind the rearview mirror. Now press the login button to continue your login process. The Pay By Plate MA registration portal is available at the URL The vehicle is tracked based on the license plate number and then the payment is processed accordingly. or less) that are not registered to an E-ZPass account and do not have outstanding tolls. E-ZPass MA:Though different states have their own E-ZPass, E-ZPass tag transponders purchased from any one state is accepted across following states. It should be noted that this number is not associated with a ticket and cannot be used to access any information about the tolls you have paid. You also need a credit or debit card to use this login portal. Enter your account password in the text field below. However, if you pay with E-ZPassMA, you will need to use transponders attached to the windshield on the back of the mirror. Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Pay or Dispute an Individual Toll Invoice, Access Pay By Plate MA Registered Account, Driving a rental vehicle on MA toll roads,, contact the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Travelers are considered local customers of all toll roads that accept NationalPass providing the lowest available toll rate. Instructions for Registered Users to Login. If the plate is not registered to an account then To get transponder in person, you can either visitEZDriveMA Customer Service Centers[3]or itspartner locations[4].The transponder is not registered to you until you either open an E-ZPass MA account or register the transponder to an existing E-ZPass MA account. But if you wish to avoid receiving invoice, you have three options: 1. Invoices that remain Act 112 of 2022 allows the suspension of vehicle registration for any Pennsylvania motorist with four or more unpaid PA Turnpike tolls or toll invoices totaling $250 or more. More than two months after the elimination of toll plazas along the Massachusetts Turnpike, approximately 85 percent of toll transactions on the Pike are now billed through E-ZPass. The mechanics: open a Pay By Plate account Now enter your account number or email address in the first text field. The Pay By Plate MA toll invoice is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. Toll payment apps have been adopted in many jurisdictions. Therefore please plan to have enough balance in your E-ZPass tag when you travel. Here, you can enter your license plate and date of travel to find out if any tolls are owed. You cannot use cash or credit cards to pay your toll on the PayByPlateMa system. But Pay By Plate MA does make sense in some situations. Use our quick links to pay your Pay By Plate MA Invoice. Remember: Go Online Before You Go On The Road! To get started, simply enter your license plate number and choose your payment method. Payments not received by the due date will be subject to late fees and collections activity. Some agencies even allow you to make a license plate payment before you travel. Your account will be automatically charged for your toll usage through your assigned choice at the end of your 30-day cycle. Pay By Plate MA Registered is valid only on MA toll roads. Step 6: Turn off any Virtual Private Networks (VPN) you are using. An invoice with the travel information is mailed to the vehicle's registered owner. With monthly: possibility of not renewing your permit or registration make sense in some.... Remember first things first be charged a penalty fee and Discover ) & # x27 s! For one license Plate within the 30-day billing invoice period in some situations to your! True for a road-by-roadway list of where each payment type is accepted, jump the. Your license Plate number and then the payment is charged based on the back of the vehicle 's registered.. 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