That is clearly contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Later at the foundry, when pressed by the workers, John acknowledges that Jacques has not renewed their major contract. From Jesus to Christ: the First Christians. Noun endings in Greek are tied with case, but that is another subject) Iesus is derived from the Aramaic "Yeshua," which is in itself a contraction of the fuller Hebrew "Yehoshua," which basically means "the Lord saves," or "the Lord helps.". As if to say, what is the manifesto for our mystery school? So I believe (and I have described it in the screenplay and depicted it in painting #10 on the pre-production art page) that it would have made far more sense for Romans to conduct crucifixions only 5 or 6 feet from the ground. This is all conjecture, and no one knows for sure, but in the process of writing this script, I have formed some of my own opinions. The Scapegoat is a spot-on, first-rate movie. The final image is a photograph intended for marketing. With some reservations Standing never claimed to be a perfect character this film was deeply satisfying, to see a man with a good heart step into an impossible situation, and through kindness, attention and good will, turns everything around. Mark's version of Jesus, for example, is an emphatically human character, very flawed, often angry, a reluctant and inconsistent teacher, angry at god for having abandoned him. It is unnecessary and takes more time, and would seem more logical that they would have avoided this extra procedure. An English schoolteacher meets his lookalike, a French count; and unwillingly swaps identities with him. But this was still a period piece, and had to be conveyed as such. Based on the novel by Daphne Du Maurier The script is decidedly non-Christian, and places a very different spin on the history, religion and politics of first-century . She even shocked the British crew, which had expected her to demand star treatment, by foregoing the use of a stand-in. The separate elements are animated and composed together in Final Cut Pro. Guinness was more circumspect in discussing their relationship, expressing disappointment that they didn't really get to know each other. But I am continually grateful for having been given the opportunity to really learn and understand about Christianity during my childhood. This article about a silent film is a stub. But it would have been incredibly time-consuming and labor-intensive for Roman soldiers to bring ladders and ropes and a variety of tools to the site in order to lift victims high above normal walking height. Set in 1952, as England prepares for the coronation, this movie tells the story of two very different men who have one thing in common - a face.Set in 1952, as England prepares for the coronation, this movie tells the story of two very different men who have one thing in common - a face.Set in 1952, as England prepares for the coronation, this movie tells the story of two very different men who have one thing in common - a face. Quite patently, they couldn't. The way the scenes with the two characters together is filmed is equally admirable. See production, box office & company info, MGM British Studios, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, UK. When someone uses my full name, it sounds like I did something bad, or am on the verge of punishment. So instead I stuck with the literal translation, which would be "Simon the Rock." Davis always contended that Guinness had had her scenes (and some of the other actresses') cut to keep himself in the spotlight. According to information contained in the file on the film in the MPAA/PCA Collection at the AMPAS Library, there was concern over allowing the "Countess's" drug addiction to remain in the film, as well as "Bella" clearly being "Jacques's" mistress and the suggestion that she becomes intimately involved with "John" as well. The Scapegoat (2012) - Filming & Production - IMDb The Scapegoat (2012) Filming & Production Showing all 2 items Jump to: Filming Locations (2) Filming Locations Edit Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England, UK 10 of 11 found this interesting Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England, UK Is this interesting? Although there have been a variety of "sub-drafts" along the way, the current version is in its seventh generation of drafts, and it is currently 116 pages. I knew that I did not want to turn this piece into anything with a modern setting, or with modern contexts, so it was always an effort in censoring myself from using modern colloquialisms, while keeping all of the dialogue informal and relaxed. I reserve the right to change my mind, remove old posts, and rewrite when I think differently. Then I began to get angry. "Peter," from the Greek "Petrus," literally means "Rock." I believe strongly that all religions, perspectives, philosophies and opinions must be taken with a proverbial grain of salt, and an audience is doomed unless it does. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information on THE SCAPEGOAT. A more in-depth and specific look at the transmission of Christian texts in the first several centuries of the movement. I do not particularly care one way or another how things in the past have happened or not happened. Moments later, he receives a shock when the man from the street appears and his features match John's identically. When John attempts to tell her the truth about himself, Bela admits she knew at once that he was not Jacques because his manner was so different. Set in 1952, as England prepares for the coronation, this movie tells the story of two very different men who have one thing in common - a face. (The suffix of s or os is commonly used in the Greek language to connote the subject of a sentence. ), Our main character, of course, is the person known to us through the Greek texts as "Judas," but this is a hellenization of "Yudah" or "Yehudah," and so the English equivalent of these Aramaic/Hebrew names is "Jude.". Director Charles Sturridge Writers Daphne Du Maurier (story) Charles Sturridge Stars Matthew Rhys Eileen Atkins Anton Lesser See production, box office & company info Watch on Freevee Also absent or nearly absent are words associated with traditional Christian cosmology; I avoided words like "Heaven," "Hell," "Sin," "Salvation," "Redemption," and even the word "God." With the issue of language also comes the issue of names. Glad I finally was able to see this great film from 1959 with a great performance by Alex Guinness, (John Braratt/DeGue) who plays a duel role and is completely outstanding in his great acting abilities. See also I do not subscribe to the Christian cosmology or belief system, in part because I know too far too much about it and its archaic origins. Redrafting continued from that point onward, as well as the feedback from other friends and fellow writers. Writer and Director. The film was shot on digital equipment supplied by Arri and Weisscam. Standing discovers this almost too late, is able to call an ambulance and squares off against Spence, determined that some good should come from the situation. But I was immersed in it, not because my parents were religious, but because my mother felt it was an integral part of the culture, and essential to understand it, whether I believed any of it or not. Jacques scorns John's sentiment and at gunpoint demands that he depart. This is the fascinating true life story of one of Ireland's most famous unsolved murders. Gaston contradicts Blanche with his testimony of driving John to and from Villars. "Simon" is the same case, from the Hebrew "Shimone. This is one of those films that Ireallyenjoyed. As I began to write the script, I simultaneously began viewing films from local video storesmovies that had their own interpretive depictions of Jesus. "Au bonheur des ogres (2013) - JPBox-Office", "The Scapegoat (Au bonheur des ogres): Film Review",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 December 2022, at 08:39. Does that imply that I believe that this is how things happened? Certain functional cookies are strictly necessary and cannot be disabled, others can be disabled according to preference. Scapegoat is a full-length screenplay, written by filmmaker Christopher Julian, about the last years of the life of Jesus, from the point of view of Judas Iscariotin this version, a young and idealistic teenager. Therefore Judas and all the other followers of Jesus could have been any age at all, from children to old men. Beyond their merely not liking a film without the requisite level of explosions and CGI . An absolute must read! As some people may or may not realize, there were literally dozens of different "accounts" of the life and teachings of the historical Jesus, in the form a variety of gospels, only four of which had filtered down into what is current orthodox Christianity. John greets them pleasantly, but becomes alarmed when Blanche stalks out of the room and Franoise accuses him of cruelty. A strong and aggressive personality. Each element is hand-drawn by Chris Julian on paper, then scanned, and colored digitally in Photoshop. The process began. It would be far more efficient as a process, and far more effective as a warning to others. But (despite some character similarities) I did not want modern associations with the Sylvester Stallone character, nor did I want a modern colloquial nickname such as "Rocky" in this film either. Below are links to information about a few books and documentaries that served as incredible resources for me during the formation of ideas for this project, as well as a list of recommended readings and of just a few of the many authors in the field of New Testament research. Filming on The Scapegoat began in London in November 2011. The pity of it all is that the two were perfectly cast, he as an English schoolteacher and the French nobleman he replaces, she as the nobleman's cigar-smoking, drug-addicted mother. 2023 Turner Classic Movies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I got some terrific feedback and input from friends and family (most notably my college friend Lauren Irving, and my father), which sent me in great directions. An old story of blind sages fumbling round an elephant, each decrying the other for misunderstanding their contribution. I created Jude as a teenager, young, idealistic, nave, and disliked by the others around himthe equivalent of the high school nerd, always getting picked on by the bigger kids. . Can you share it with them? Nellie's brother Jack is a cowboy who gets involved with the wrong people and takes part in a bank robbery. It is the tale of how an innocent man was found guilty but insane of the brutal homicide of a young woman from a very prominent family. To chose one type of character depiction based on one gospel is automatically to exclude a contradicting depiction from another gospel. As described above, it was essential to find any means possible to force the audience to start over from scratch and look at this story in a totally new context. "Shimone the Rock" is someone that does not question events in his life, does not truly fathom what Joshua is trying to accomplish ideologically or intellectually, and believes that the way his father treated him is the way he also should behaveto Jude and to everyone. The film is based on Daniel Pennac's eponymous book. The apostles once asked Christ, "What's our prayer?" With some reservations Standings not a perfect character this film was deeply satisfying, to see a man with a good heart step into an impossible situation, and through kindness, attention and good will, turns everything around. Even though there are two deadly explosions in the movie, they are not dwelled upon, and the resulting police investigation is comical rather than sinister. The script is decidedly non-Christian, and places a very different spin on the history, religion and politics of first-century Palestine. Nellie is astounded that her brother is a bank robber and pleads with Tom to release him. There have been some rare depictions of crosses as being in the shape of a capital letter "T," rather than a traditional lower case "t" shape, and I tend to think that this would be far easier and more efficient for the Romans to construct. Principal Cast: Alec Guinness (Jacques De Gue/John Barrett), Bette Davis (The Countess), Nicole Maurey (Bella), Irene Worth (Francoise De Gue), Pamela Brown (Blanche), Peter Bull (Aristide). I also knew that this script was about ideology, and that Jude needed to be someone that Joshua (the Jesus character) would have to convince of a much larger spiritual and philosophical world. The Guinness biography also mentions that the actor directed portions of the picture. There will be a few others of course, but most of the filming will be in this one spot. Also starring Eileen Atkins (Doc Martin), this is "a . The Scapegoat is a morally complex, darkly comic and suspenseful movie featuring compelling performances from the films ensemble cast. This was a very troubled production. For a full review of the novel, also containing, spoilers, visit our Book and Play Reviews page), The Story and its Psychological Background, He turned and stared at me and I at him, and I realized, with a strange sense of shock and, fear and nausea all combined, that his face and voice were known to me, Read Book ^ Novels by Daphne Du Maurier (Book Guide): Castle Dor, Daphne Du Maurier 1907 - 1989 If You Were Asked to Think of an Author Who Has Written Books with Storylines Based in Cornwall Then Daphne Du Maurier Is the Name Most, The Apple Tree: a Short Novel and Some Stories, A Short Account of Daphne Du Maurier's Life and Works 1907-1989, Religion, Psychology and Politics in the Life and Works of Daphne Du Maurier. There is a fair quantity of elements from Luke, Matthew and John in the screenplay, but these elements are all tempered by the more consistent Mark/Thomas character that I was attempting to construct. For several years, Chris has been working with a talented team of voice-over actors, visual artists, and a composer, to build pre-production material in the form of an "animatic" (a moving storyboard) of the entire story. Chris Julian is a freelance video editor, cinematographer and camera operator in Seattle, WA. Here's the trailer for the film: She is fatally wounded from the encounter. At the inquest held at the chateau the next day, the Countess testifies that she was the last person to see Franoise alive. But she was not the artist I had expected. This new version of Daphne Du Maurier's famous novel (published in 1957) changes the setting from France to England, anglicizes several character names and backdates the story by several years to the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. In the process of forming the narrative structure and character development for the script, I did not merely utilize the Christian New Testament; I drew heavily on other non-traditional text sources, including and especially excerpts from the Nag Hammadi Library, within which is an impressive collection of "alternate" Jesus narratives, depictions and teachings. Matthew and Luke, somewhere in between the other two in terms of the human/divine spectrum, differ from each other in that Matthew's Jesus is a messiah only for the Jewsthe new Moses, imposing a new Biblical lawwhereas Luke's Jesus was abandoned by the Jews and is now a messiah for the the Gentilesthe rest of humanity. His depiction in the gospels is again fairly dull, and I knew that I needed to create him as the antithesis of Jude. (Please note that the review, contains spoilers for both the novel and film! I also wanted to convey the element of Hebrew poetry in the script, as it was a very essential part of the Jewish culture. Movie Info Vacationing in France, disenchanted British teacher John Barrett (Alec Guinness) meets nobleman Jacques De Gu (Guinness), who could be his twin. Although somewhat drunk, John agrees, then accepts champagne from Jacques who has, unknown to John, slipped a sleeping draught into the drink. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Scapegoat. The fact is that it is never really "done" until it is committed to film and released. Sign Up now to stay up to date with all of the latest news from TCM. In May of 2000, I had cranked out the first draft, which was absolutely horrible, barely readable, and at 227 pages was nearly twice as long as it should have been for a film script. And is perhaps the English equivalent of calling a guy "Rocky." The event was very well attende, and the panel discussion drew a large number of questions from the audience. Other characters in the script were equally interesting and challenging to build, most notably Jude and Simon the Rock. BW-93m. Although most people do not realize it, we in the 21st century actually have no clear record of the details of crucifixion methods used by the Romans two millennia ago. Watch Au Bonheur des Ogres - Bande-annonce [OV]. it reminds me of aPrince of Zendaremake set in mid 20th century Britain. Scapegoat is a full-length screenplay, written by filmmaker Christopher Julian, about the last years of the life of Jesus, from the point of view of Judas Iscariotin this version, a young and idealistic teenager. Names from this story are obviously very connected to traditional Christian associations, so I wanted to find a way to change the context of those associations. I found them all to portray Jesus aswell incredibly dull! The film adaptation of The Scapegoat differed from Du Maurier's novel in several ways: In the book John's impersonation of Jacques lasts only one week and Jacques does not kill "Francoise," her death is legitimately accidental. Marie-Noel then reminds John that he must drive her to her weekly music lesson in the nearby town of Villars and John plays a game with her in order to learn the directions there. When Gaston, the De Gu family chauffeur arrives, John demands to know Jacques's whereabouts and upon discovering that his passport is missing, insists that Gaston summon the police to have Jacques found. Franoise visits John and, disturbed to find him reading the contract, breaks down, declaring that Jacques has never loved her. You can help by adding to it. His prime traits of kindness and sensitivity slowly turns the tide of the family anger, and in the span of a week, his attention to each individual turns them from hardened seeds into blooms. John is then flustered by the warm greeting from Jacques's young daughter, Marie-Noel, who believes him to be her father. When John asks if he might inspect the foundry, the family members are bewildered. In order to seek consistency, I used the Anglicized Aramaic names almost exclusively, thus bypassing the Greek translation-of-a-translation. Franoise, Blanche and Marie-Noel are confused by John's amiable, pleasant manner and interest in them. Great acting and a must see film. In that time, I have learned a tremendous amount of information about Christian Historyparticularly the first three centuriesand about current New Testament Scholarship, which is a fascinating subject in its own right. There always will be changes and redrafts to the text along the way. This caused one problem, however, when her chain smoking almost set the bed on fire. He also teaches video editing and other filmmaking skills at various local colleges and schools. But nevertheless it has some terrific information, and has an interesting narrative flow, given the material that they attempt to cover. With the help of a maid, John goes through Jacques's suitcase and discovers several gifts, one of which holds several vials of morphine, which the maid promptly takes to the Countess. Told in superb period detail, Scapegoat contains a combustible mix of sex, class, bogus . (Recently, in draft 6, I changed this to "Shimone the Rock," to distinguish this character from Simon of Kerioth (Jude's father). He is therefore the perfect school bully, the clod, the one in the game just because he thinks he should be. The Scapegoat (2012) Movie Overview. He chooses to stay, resolving all the differences and bringing a happy concord to the family. Crime Mystery Thriller An English schoolteacher meets his lookalike, a French count; and unwillingly swaps identities with him. (Please visit the Research Page for more information and links about this subject.). The one thing Davis truly enjoyed about playing the role was the chance to do most of her scenes in bed. But all of these names in Greek are of course Hellenizations of their original Hebrew or Aramaic names. After the film was shown (a failure) she let it be known that she considered that I had ruined her performance and had had it cut to a minimum." I'm taking my cue from Reservoir Dogs and will be filming the majority of the film in the one location. Most of these are painted in oil on 36" x 48" Masonite board. At breakfast, John meets Jacques's brother-in-law, Aristide, who asks John about business discussions in Paris. Similarly, "James" is from the Greek "Iacomus," which is from the Aramaic and Hebrew "Yakov." My posts are my own working theories. Share. There were problems from the start on The Scapegoat set and some have suggested that she resented Guinness's success. Scapegoat. On returning to town, Tom learns of the robbery and forms a posse. In addition, if these crucifixes were featured at the entrances to cities, where people were walking within several feet of the victims, placing them high up in the air would be unnecessary. See the pdf of my research paper). You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. John continues his masquerade at St. Gilles over the next several days and visits Bela again on his next trip to Villars. After being wrongly accused of theft and ordered out of the family home by his irate father, Tom Mason goes west and settles in Colorado. Realizing that Jacques intended John to be the scapegoat so that he could murder his wife for her money, John is not surprised when later he receives a call from Jacques to meet him that evening at the foundry. He gets into difficulty and Tom ropes him to pull him out of the water. The color artists are each indicated per image in the slide show. Although he had sworn to Balcon that he would give up drinking for the chance to work with Guinness and Davis, it was clear from his tremors and distraction on the set that his problems had taken a serious toll, which in turn made it hard for her to relax. Although the book has its flaws, it's still a classic in the field. The film was shot on location in France and at M-G-M British Studios. Most of the names we associate with New Testament characters are Anglicized versions of the Greek character names. This is fairly odd, since we have such detailed record of just about everything else that the Romans did; they were excellent record keepers. His main skills include digital video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro (4-7) and Avid Media Composer platforms, as well as digital photography, digital audio editing, web design and a variety of other technical skills. All of our visual depictions and representations of crucifixion are loosely based on what is written in the Gospels. According to biographies of Guinness and Daphne Du Maurier, M-G-M hoped to cast Cary Grant in the lead, but Du Maurier had always envisioned Guinness playing the dual roles. PARIS - A quirky family-oriented comedy with darker undertones, Nicolas Bary 's The Scapegoat ( Au bonheur des ogres) offers up tons of visual flourishes and upbeat performances, but is way . From the moment she conceived the story, she felt that any screen version would have to star Guinness, who had dazzled audiences playing all the members of an upper-class British family in Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949). This is inherent in the task. Instead, Gaston telephones St. Gilles and on advice of Dr. Aloin, the family physician, Gaston tells John that Jacques has asked to meet him at St. Gilles. The two-hour animatic represents an elaborate working rough cut of the entire project, and it features full-color drawings, basic 2D and 3D animation, sound effects, an original score, and dialogue from the entire script. The cartoon-like treatment of a lot of the plot elements totally suits the story. Several digital artists took the responsibility of the coloring process. Alec Guinness Bette Davis Nicole Maurey Irene Worth Pamela Brown Annabel Bartlett Geoffrey Keen Noel Howlett Peter Bull Leslie French Alan Webb Maria Britneva Eddie Byrne Peter Sallis Alexander Archdale. Back at St. Gilles, John goes through Jacques's business papers and learns that Jacques has not visited the foundry in fourteen years. Your email address will not be published. While the team is seeking the budget to build this project in a live-action form, many talented members of the acting and filmmaking community have provided their services towards the production of the animatic, in order to further the cause of getting this project funded. Remembering Cardinal Pell. It impacts how we think about interbeing in creation. Its well filmed, well acted, and smacks of small town heroism. "Mary" is from the Greek "Marias," which is from the Aramaic/Hebrew "Mar-yam," which we already know in English as "Merriam. Although I knew that it was a compelling idea, and that the project would evolve into something very important to me, I also knew that it would take a massive amount of workin the form of research, learning, writing and rewriting. But others have suggested that Guinness was put off by her American brashness. Scapegoat, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) Lie To Me Later, Scapegoat, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) Traitorous Animals, Cats, Scapegoat, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) An Emptiness In The Heart, Aug Hollywood Reporter casting charts add Gerald James to the cast, but his appearance in the film has not been confirmed. In this context, it really does not matter to me who the true historical Jesus was. In an attempt to make this a fresh experience for the audience, I sought to remove as many traditional associations with modern Christian thought or doctrine as I possibly could. Although the role of Guinness's mother was definitely a supporting part, Davis accepted it because she wasn't being offered any better roles. McCready, the good father tells Jhon that the unborn child of the suicide had a mortal sin on its soul and that that sin was of the child's father. Betty Davis, (Countess) gives a great supporting role and from what I had read, Davis & Guinness did not get along very well during the filming of this film. John then meets with the Countess to announce that he intends to renew the business contract even at unfavorable terms, rather than allowing the business to fail and put long-time employees out of work. 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