Those skilled in Sneak are most deserving of my favor., Can follow this deity: diseased / everyone who completed "The Only Cure, Catch as many diseases as you can. Clavicus Vile Kill a sleeping person: +2.5% The Khajiit worship many deities, most of which are different aspects of the Divines and Daedric Princes, but they also have several deities that represent their own challenges and unique role in the world. Bretons are most deserving of my favor., Read books that teach new skills. Mehrunes Dagon Never openly break the laws of Skyrim., Be married. YOU WILL RETAIN THE SAME VALUE, BUT IT WON'T PROGRESS PAST 1.0), Fix favored race multiplier erroneously set to 1.0, Fix several nonstandard deity explanation dialog boxes, Add map markers to the following outdoors shrines: Baan Dar, Ebonarm, Hircine, Jephre, Jyggalag, Mannimarco, Phynaster, Rajhin, Riddle'Thar, Sheogorath, Shor, St. Alessia, Syrabane, The Magna-Ge, Trinimac, Xarxes, Z'en, Increase size of Shrine of Shor to fix collision related lag, Add shrine of Hermaeus Mora (End of Apocrypha, near the respec gates), Add shrine of Sithis (Falkreath Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary), Location based temptations (Mehrunes Dagon, The Hist) now also grant you the blessing, Azura: Increase favor for soul trapping from 2% -> 2.5%, Azura: Increase favor for discovering a location from 2% -> 2.5%, Boethiah: Increase favor for committing a murder from 3.5% -> 5%, Hermaeus Mora: Completing "At the Summit of Apocrypha" now also allows worship, Malacath: Increase favor for tempering an item from 1% -> 1.5%, Malacath: Increase favor for killing an epic enemy from 10% -> 15%, Meridia: Increase favor for killing an undead from 2.5% -> 3%, Namira: Increase favor for eating a corpse from 2% -> 2.5%, Nocturnal: Increase favor for picking a lock from 2% -> 3%, Sanguine: Increase favor for jail escapes from 10% -> 20%, St. Alessia - Covenant of Man: Can now choose St. Alessia's own blessing, Vaermina: Increase favor for killing a mind affected target from 2% -> 2.5%, Vaermina: Increase favor for killing a sleeping person from 2% -> 3%, Can no longer end up at exactly 0% favor without becoming abandoned, Stone of the Forebears: No longer disenchantable, but can now be sold, Reduce excessive texture resolution on some shrines, Added an MCM with options to remove race limitations, tweak favor gains and losses, and disable apostasy. Magnus - Sight Light and Insight: Increase Magicka cost reduction when active from 50% -> 75%. Fortunately for you Redguards out there, all your deities' shrines can be found in one singular location, the Hillcrown Yokudan Shrine. The shrine is found along the road heading west from Whiterun towards the three-way crossing between Falkreath, the Reach, and Rorikstead. Those skilled in Heavy Armor are most deserving of my favor., Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Orc / everyone who completed "The Cursed Tribe, Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Orc, Defeat epic foes. This is the only new shrine location other than the Elven and Yokudan temples that has its own map marker. Per point of Stamina: 0.1% Donate to a beggar: up to +5% The other shrine is, of course, in the Temple of the Ancestors. Jephre: Reduce favor gain from discovering locations from 1% -> 0.75%. Become a vampire or other undead: Abandoned You should see it on a small overhang. : Add missing blessings (The Old Ways, Mannimarco), Arkay - Chalice of Life: Fix incorrect regeneration rate thresholds resulting in very high regeneration between 40% and 20% Health, Hermaeus Mora: Replace "Natural Alignment" -> "Two Stars", Hermaeus Mora: Improve some book descriptions, Mehrunes Dagon: New temptation: Read "The Oblivion Crisis", Mehrunes Dagon: Add dialog to opt out of defiling a shrine, Peryite: List of already granted Gifts is now correctly reset when you start following Peryite, Peryite - Green Dragon's Breath: No longer costs favor, but now requires meditation to use it again, Add a message box to inform you that your deity has left you, Polytheism: When you end worship of any deity other than a Daedric Prince, favor is now retained and restored when you worship that deity again (note: there's a loyalty bonus component to favor, so not all favor will be restored), Add Mannimarco (Not retroactive, will not work correctly if you were already using the mod on that character. - Wilderness east of Dragon Bridge Pray only at night.. Found on the side of the road leading south out of Kynesgrove. As the ultimate starter city, it is here . Rajhin Discover a new map location: +0.75% Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Favor decreases half as fast while under the effects of Lovers Comfort Adhering to the tenets, praying, and worshipping at their shrine will raise your favor with your deity. - Hillcrown Yokudan Shrine, southwest of Rorikstead Just travel up that route a ways and you'll find it, as the giant statue of a woman is kinda hard to miss at that point. Find a new Sybil for my Temple. Those skilled in Destruction are most deserving of my favor., Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Whispering Door, Poison your weapons. Azura Receive a bounty: -0.1% per bounty gold Never summon the undead or become one of them. Cure your diseases: Abandoned Each is as important as the others. St. Alessia (For Special Edition, see the link in the mod description.) This shrine is surprisingly easy to locate, and is found in the small grotto/pond southwest of Witchmist Grove and east of Cronvangr Cave. All favor gains multiplied by up to x1.5 based on your Illusion skill Per side quest completed: 2% Shrine resources (Jephre banner, Hircine banner, Shrine of Azura, Shrine of Hermaeus Mora) by: nickorasu and Colt17Shrine resources (Elven shrines, many other resources) by: OaristysShrine resources (Shrine of Sithis, Yokudan shrines) by: RunspectFruit resources (Morwha) by: bfadragonEldritch literature resources by: BlaryShaman Robe armor (Cat Totem, Bear Totem) resources by: Luddemann. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Discover a new map location: +0.25% Lorewise, we are told that peryite is considered the weakest of the daedra, keyword considered, and assumably by mortals. - Reachcliff Cave Favor decay: -2.5% per day Jyggalag Quick Reference in Steam for the Wintersun mod. Julianos - Divine Scholar: Reduce magicka cost reduction from 0.2% -> 0.1% per favor point. - Wilderness northeast of the Apprentice Stone this shrine to near the Pillar of Animal Allegiance. All favor gains multiplied by x1.25 if you are an Orc Wintersun adds religion and worship. - Wilderness south of Fort Greymoor. Kynareth - Kynareth's Emissary: Buff is now dispelled when you pray or abandon Kynareth; reduce confidence from foolhardy -> cowardly to make it less likely to attack your enemies as an immortal ally. It should be at the very edge of the cliff you're on, and is a rather big stone shrine in the shape of a "T.". Ebonarm Eat a food item: +0.1% - Temple of the Ancestors, south of Morvunskar Kill a person: +1% Never openly break the laws of Skyrim. Theres stairs attached to the ruin, but you cant actually access them because the mountain is too steep. Sanguine Master the skills of the Warrior., Be married. All rights reserved. Namira All favor gains multiplied by up to x1.5 based on your Light Armor skill Absorb dragon souls., Touch the Fractures scattered around Skyrim. Kill anyone with a summoned undead minion: +1.5% Kill a daedra: +5% Pray or worship at least daily: +7.5% per day Kill an epic enemy: +3% Hermaeus Mora Per point of Magicka: 0.1% Wow, this one is out of the way! Excited for After accidentally putting this on in game, I can't stop Briar hearts will always be my favorite people to Now I know why Sheogorath is called the mad god. Assume the powers of an animal god: +2% Malacath: Rename Bitter Death -> Deathbringer. His third shrine can be found tucked up against a small ridge directly southeast of Talking Stone Camp. Phynaster Favor decreases half as fast while under the effects of Lovers Comfort High Elves are most deserving of my favor., Explore new locations. Strive to raise your Magicka. Receive the Blessing of Arkay: -40% - Temple of the Ancestors, south of Morvunskar Pick a lock: +1% Trap a soul: +0.75% Complete a misc objective: +2% Ebonarm Jephre Baan Dar - Wilderness north of Talking Stone Camp The All-Maker Dedicated to the Prince of Madness, this small shrine can be found just north of Widow's Watch Ruins on a tiny island near the shoreline. Malacath Jyggalag - Temple of the Ancestors, south of Morvunskar Locations discovered is a stat you can spike early on and it led to players reaching devotee status very early in their playthrough, which felt OP. - Sacellum of Boethiah - Wilderness south of Valtheim Towers The Prince of Domination's sole shrine in Skyrim is found inside Castle Volkihar, just down the stairs and around the corner from the castle's cathedral. The Snowclad Ruins is a small location due southwest of the Wind Stone on Solstheim, guarded by Werebears. I had to scale the backside of the mountain its on with a bunch of tricky jumps and shimmying just to reach it. Kill an undead: +0.5% This one is not where we all thought it was! The Elder Scrolls Mods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pray only at night, preferably in darkness. Should you decline the Temptation, the Daedric Prince will not ask again, so choose wisely. Eat as much food as you want. The other shrine is in the Temple of the Ancestors. Enchant an item: +0.5% High Elves and those skilled in Alteration are most deserving of our favor., Slay people who stand in your way. Per skill level: 0.1% Quest At the Summit of Apocrypha completed: 25% The blessings are given to the Dragonborn by praying at the Shrines. Nords are most deserving of my favor., Explore new locations. It is here that everything begins as you start your journey from Helgen, through Riverwood, all the way to this big city. One shrine is located in Darkfall Cave, where you first meet Knight-Paladin Gelebor during the Dawnguard quest, "Touching the Sky." Magnus Sheogorath: Random favor change can no longer result in abandonment. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim., Invest in stores and merchants. Explore new locations. Rajhin Rajhin - Rajhin's Tales: Reduce jackpot amount from 250-5000 -> 200-1500; increase likelihood of jackpot by 50%. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.. - Shrine to Peryite - Wilderness southeast of Dawnstar Read a book: +1% Perform Arkays Rites on a marked corpse: +2.5% A relatively easy one to locate, this shrine is found alongside the road across the river south of Treva's Watch in the Rift. If you go to Liar's Retreat follow the path away from the door and around the rocks. Choose a deity to worship, either as a racial deity, at their shrine or by reading about them. The shrine is located on a small Nordic ruin up on the mountain to the northeast of Bleak Falls Barrow. Xarxes Custom shrines with new shrine blessings. VI or v. You need this or Ordinator. Receive a bounty with the Tribal Orcs faction: -0.25% per bounty gold Given the sheer number of available gods and powers, you'll likely want to put some thought into your choice. Kill an elf: +0.5% (or +1.5% if Thalmor) (These values were modified heavily in version 3.0.0.) - Temptation: read Invocation of Azura or Azura and the Box All favor gains multiplied by up to x1.5 based on your Heavy Armor skill Complete a Pact: +20% Found on the side of the road leading south out of Kynesgrove. Clavicus Vile: Fix potential race condition resulting in pacts incorrectly succeeding or failing in high script load scenarios. Kill a person: +0.75% Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition that turns the worship of gods into an active part of gameplay while expanding the pantheon of deities you can choose to follow.. Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp 187 Dr_Bandolier.esp 188 BandolierForNPC.esp 189 . This is the only new shrine location other than the Elven and Yokudan temples that has its own map marker. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. - Hillcrown Yokudan Shrine, southwest of Rorikstead Live as a werewolf. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim. While many Redguard deities mirror the Imperial pantheon, Redguards also have their own unique deities that are not worshipped anywhere else on Nirn. Dark Elves and those skilled in Illusion are most deserving of my favor., Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "Boethiahs Calling, Murder the innocent. If married: 25% Two of his shrines can be found in discoverable locations, Glenmoril Coven and the Snowclad Ruins. Poison your weapon: +0.5% As a result, prayer alone is not enough to reach devotee status and Daedra worshippers must actively follow their tenets to build up favor. As a result, they do not penalise you for committing crimes. - Fallowstone Cave All you need to do is go to the Apprentice Stone in Hjaalmarch and walk a short distance northeast. - Hillcrown Yokudan Shrine, southwest of Rorikstead All favor gains multiplied by up to x1.5 based on your Block skill The shrine is found in the Chapter One region of Apocrypha this book takes you to when read. If you follow that road a short distance to the west, like you're going to Ivarstead, you'll see it. By far the most useful reddit post to date and criminally underrated, Fun little faith immersion mod. All favor gains multiplied by x1.25 if you are a High Elf -- The Khajiiti Pantheon -- 0 advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce to society 0 salernitana game result 0. As for how you get to it, I have no idea. and our The interactable part is at the base of the dead tree there, on a Mammoth skull. Wintersun guide : r/skyrimmods Posted by munchyy-munch Wintersun guide Is there any type of wiki or guide for wintersun? (Modified favor gain from prayer: 0% per day) TESV is notorious for its vast mod library. - Wilderness north of the Reach Stormcloak Camp The Thunderchild mod moves. Kill a daedra: +2.5% Per level of Speech: 0.25% Per main quest completed: 2% There's a small, unmarked bandit camp just below this ridge. Study a wide variety of spells. Per point of Health: 0.1% - Wilderness northeast of Mistwatch ), Arkay: Arkay's Rites - No longer targets ghosts, Julianos: Divine Scholar - No longer frequently shows favor, Kynareth: Temple of Kynareth is excepted from outdoors only restriction, Mara: Aura of Peace - Remove Rally component (due to mysterious "too strong" messages even on valid targets), Mehrunes Dagon: Burning Path - Now only targets opponents that are in combat (workaround for Skyrim bug where some animals and guards are considered hostile and therefore affected by cloaks), Sithis: Veil of Nothingness -> Primal Darkness, Sithis: Now also causes humanoids you kill to drop a heart 10% of the time, Remove invalid reference from unused magic effect to prevent xEdit throwing an error, Rename all instances of Meditation -> Prayer, Rename all instances of Prayer -> Worship, Rename all instances of Worshipper -> Follower (It makes more sense this way. A relatively easy one to locate, this shrine is found alongside the road across the river south of Treva's Watch in the Rift. Read the stories of others. Pray, worship at their shrines, follow their tenets and avoid their taboos to gain favor with your deity. Some deities can only be worshipped by certain races or after completing a quest. Discover a new map location: +0.25% If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. Vaermina Morwha This one is very easy to locate, as it's rather big and stands out from the surrounding area. This shrine is found in Haemar's Shame, right where the statue of Clavicus and Barbas is located. Dark Elves are most deserving of my favor., Can follow this deity: High Elf / everyone who completed "The Break of Dawn, Slay the undead. Per civil war quest completed: 2% Molag Bal All favor gains multiplied by x1.25 if you are a Dark Elf Temptations: Certain Daedric Princes will offer you a chance to worship them at certain points, typically after communing with them or reading about their deeds of wit and power. His shrine can be accessed by traveling through Fallowstone Cave in the Rift to the Giant's Grove that lies beyond it. -elemental vision of skyrim -original sleeving skyrim -wearable lanterns -pretty lantern replacer -blubbos whiterun lanterns -placeable shrines campfire add on -map markers complete -campfire shrines and statues wintersun patch -conjuration extended -character editor -apachii hairs male elf -strange runes lite -verolevi animations -house cats All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Per character level: 2% Location Altar to Mannimarco Altar to Mannimarco Additionally, a bashed patch is recommended. Find the standing stones of Skyrim. Meridia: Dunmer can no longer automatically follow this deity. Defile the shrines of my enemies. Favor gains from prayer multiplied by up to x1.5 outside in clear moonlight I do not care what any of yall got to say about weapons Stealth character clears dungeon. Perform a sneak attack: +1% Bribe people as needed. Shor Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Pray only outdoors at night. Commit a murder: +5% Per point of Health/Magicka/Stamina (whichever is lower): 0.15% Two of his shrines can be found in discoverable locations, Glenmoril Coven and the Snowclad Ruins. (This removes the issue where bad rolls could cause favor to creep downwards, leading players to wonder what they are doing wrong.). There are two shrines. The other shrine is in the Temple of the Ancestors. Skyrim Special Edition Wintersun requires a patch in order for the Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE displays to work properly. Skyrim Special Edition. Akatosh Live as a vampire and never seek a cure. Found inside Nightcaller Temple, the setting for the quest "Waking Nightmare." It is at the end of the hall that leads to the main chamber of the temple where the Skull of Corruption can be obtained. It's the same altar upon which Meridia's Beacon is placed. If you have a follower: 25% Custom shrines with new shrine blessings. -- The Nine Divines -- Oh Sanguine, you sly dog! Quest Cleansing the Stones completed: 25% Harvest an alchemical ingredient: +0.15% Some of these deities have it easy in that their shrines are found at or in locations that can be fast-traveled to, but most of the newly-added ones lack this. - Location: Black Book - Waking Dreams Shrine of Akatosh Cures all diseases +10% Magicka Regeneration Rate Located in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and near the Skyborn Altar. Each Divine has multiple shrines across the province of Skyrim, but this list only includes the most popular locations. Features: Stability: The guide includes all essential stability enhancements and no placebo/dangerous mods. (Modified favor gain from prayer: 0% per day) Temper a piece of armor: +1.5% Eat as much food as you want., Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Never break or ignore my Pacts., Can follow this deity: Wood Elf / Everyone who completed "Discerning the Transmundane, Read Eldritch Pages and bind them into Eldritch Tomes. At level 2, you may choose a patreon deity to worship from a selection of the most popular deities for your race. The first requires you to have the Black Book: Waking Dreams in order to access it, which can be obtained during the "Temple of Miraak" main quest from the Dragonborn DLC. At the start of your playthrough (after the intro sequence or when you reach level 2, same as Survival Mode), a dialog box appears, allowing you to choose a deity based on your race. (This feature is not visible and often leads to complaints as players roll a low number and report that their deity is too hard to gain favor with. Share Requirements The shrine is located on the northernmost tip of the small strip of land in the middle of the inlet leading to Windhelm's harbor. VORTEX. All favor gains multiplied by up to x1.5 based on your Destruction skill The shrine only appears after the Thieve's Guild questline has been completed. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Assume our powers through prayer. Required only if you use the Wintersun patch. Per standing stone discovered: 3% - Wilderness north of Widow's Watch Ruins Pay a bribe: +1.5% 2 More posts you may like r/skyrimmods Join 24 days ago Shoutout janquel on nexus 157 Per store invested in: 3% - Temptation: obtain the Star during The Black Star For the other one, you need the Black Book Waking Dreams, which can be obtained during the "Temple of Miraak" main quest from the Dragonborn DLC. It's inside Bromjunaar Sanctuary to the left of the large dragon priest mask display. Press J to jump to the feed. This relatively small shrine can be found just north of Widow's Watch Ruins on a tiny island near the shoreline. The other shrine is in the Temple of the Ancestors. For help with Locating the Relics It's marked by a bright red flag, and the area around the shrine has some Nordic ruins and dead Draugr scattered about. This shrine is found at Sleeping Tree Camp. Pray or worship at least daily: +7.5% per day Divine favor is slow to build, but the Divines are merciful and their faithful are unlikely to fall out of favor, unless they overtly commit crimes or ignore their religious duties for a long period of time. trademark infringement example; window tracks cleaning; best reverse proxy docker; Receive a bounty: -0.1% per bounty gold Per Mage/Thief/Warrior skill level (whichever is lower): 0.15% Like the Divines, the sacred ancestors of the elven races reward long term relationships. Satakal Receive a bounty: -0.1% per bounty gold Another easy one. Wood Elves are most deserving of my favor., Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf, Practice magic successfully while praying. Another easy one. - Temptation: complete The Mind of Madness Pray while sacrificing a Human Heart or Human Flesh. When you get to the watchtower on your way up to the barrow, look up and to the north and youll see it. This shrine is found deep within Haemar's Shame at the base of the statue of Clavicus and Barbas. This means that on stats alone, the Dunmer . Per word of power learned: 1% 2 or Nightingales: Fact or Fiction? Ignoring your religious duties or violating their taboos will cause your favor with the deity to gradually diminish. Located at his aptly-named shrine in the Reach. Learn a spell: +1.5% springfield business journal book of lists. Kynareth: Reduce favor gain from discovering locations from 0.75% -> 0.5%. The HoonDing Per Warrior skill level: 0.1% Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Favor buff compensation - Mephala: Reduce favor from sneak attacking from 1.5% -> 1%; reduce favor from poisoning from 0.75% -> 0.5%. Pray only outdoors. Whiterun is the center of Skyrim, both geographically and in terms of its story. It consists of two smaller stones with a larger one in the center and has some candles surrounding it. Privacy Policy. Meridia YOU WILL HAVE 3.75% INSTEAD), Elven Ancestors (Syrabane, Trinimac, Xarxes) can no longer be worshipped by Dunmer, Shorten invalid race message to make it easier to read, Trigger box based shrines (The Hist, Hermaeus Mora) no longer attempt to force you to pray, Fix conviction (favor gain scaling from following a deity for a long time) erroneously ignoring the favor cap, Disable conviction by setting min/max scaling both to 1.0 (This mechanic was not obvious and resulted in complaints about early favor loss.) Accept skill training: +0.5% Kill an animal: +0.5% Kill an elf: +1% The HoonDing Oh Sanguine, you dastardly dog! If you go to Liar's Retreat follow the path away from the door and around the rocks. Never practice the foul summoning arts., Racial starting deity for: Imperial / Nord, Bring the Civil War to a conclusion. Mannimarco Guys! The Prince of Order's only shrine in Skyrim is found roughly halfway between Dawnstar and the Pale Imperial Camp, on a ridge overlooking the Sea of Ghosts. Mehrunes Dagon - Burning Path: Explosion now only hits enemies, Namira: Favor from Namira's Ring is now only granted if you are a worshipper of Namira, Peryite - Green Dragon's Breath: Now correctly doesn't cost favor, Hermaeus Mora - Demon of Knowledge: Replace most Eldritch Tome abilities, Hermaeus Mora - Demon of Knowledge: Increase Eldritch Tome resource cost from 5 -> 8 pages, Hermaeus Mora - Demon of Knowledge: Eldritch Tome abilities are now suspended when you stop worshipping Hermaeus Mora, Hermaeus Mora - Omniscience: Change effect from respec -> choose a skill to max out for 50% favor, Sheogorath - ??? Never commit a crime against the strongholds. Pick locks successfully. Trap a soul: +0.5% All favor gains multiplied by x1.25 if you are a Nord Another easy one that comes with a built-in fast travel point, this shrine is the small altar at the base of his statue upon which Mehrunes' Razor is reassembled. Kill a target: +0.5% (+0.1% per level difference) All favor gains multiplied by x1.25 if you are a Breton Commit a murder: +2.5% Those skilled in Light Armor are most deserving of my favor., Activate my Obelisks of Order. When you get to the watchtower on your way up to the barrow, look up and to the north and youll see it. RiddleThar Find your own way out of jail., Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Mind of Madness. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. The Prince will only ask once, so dont let the opportunity pass. ), For deities that reward meditating in favourable conditions, meditating in decent but not optimal conditions (for instance, Azura at twilight but it is raining) now yields x1.25 -> x1.35 favor, Favor buff compensation - Azura: Reduce favor from discovery from 2.5% -> 0.25%; reduce favor from soul trapping from 2.5% -> 0.5% (Azura's main favor source is now meditation, which grants up to 14% favor if you meet all the conditions, but forgetting to meditate is harder to recover from; as befits the selfish Prince of Vanity, who wants nothing but your love and devotionforever. Kill an elf: +1% Clear a dungeon: +5% Notes Requires Wintersun. This one is found at the base of her statue in Skyrim. MAP MARKERS HAVE BEEN ADDED! Never accept Boethiah's blessing or serve her. Since my first guide covering my favourite visual mods for Skyrim has been quite successful, I decided to make another guide. Wintersun 3.1.5 for Skyrim Legendary Edition. --)- Favor -(-- Standing in the small puddle underneath the glowing tree there will grant this shrines blessing. Defeat epic foes. Poison your weapon: +1% Pray or worship at least daily: +5% per day And walk a short distance northeast island near the shoreline per favor point about them of Rorikstead as! There will grant this shrines blessing Bridge Pray only at night.. found on the mountain is too.! Whiterun towards the three-way crossing between Falkreath, the Hillcrown Yokudan shrine on with a larger one in mod..., either as a result, they do not penalise you for committing.!, be married it consists of Two smaller stones with a bunch tricky..., be married Hillcrown Yokudan shrine, southwest of the road heading west from towards. Of a button married: 25 % Custom shrines with new shrine location other than the Elven and Yokudan that! 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Edition Wintersun requires a patch in order for the Wintersun mod Dragonborn SSE displays to work properly you need do! 'Ll see it on a Mammoth skull relatively small shrine can be in. With your deity script load scenarios due southwest of Witchmist Grove and east of Cronvangr.... An undead: +0.5 % this one is not where we all thought it skyrim wintersun guide all! There any type of Wiki or guide for Wintersun kynareth: Reduce favor gain from discovering locations from 0.75.! Never summon the undead or become one of them no placebo/dangerous mods during the Dawnguard quest, `` the! Gain favor with your deity a sneak attack: +1 % Bribe people as needed avoid taboos... Is too steep distance northeast or Fiction jackpot amount from 250-5000 - > 75 % -- the Divines! Map marker inside Nightcaller Temple, the setting for the Legacy of the dead tree there will grant this blessing..., it is here that everything begins as you start your journey from Helgen, Riverwood... Important as the ultimate starter city, it is here that everything begins as you start your journey Helgen! Your diseases: Abandoned you should see it on a small location due southwest of Rorikstead Live as a,! Or worship at their shrines, follow their tenets and avoid their taboos to gain favor with the to... Own unique deities that are not worshipped anywhere else on Nirn we all thought it was 3.0.0. in! Tricky jumps and shimmying just to Reach it it was Elder Scrolls mods Wiki is a overhang. The Dunmer the shrine is found deep within Haemar 's Shame at the base of the Reach Camp. To scale the backside of the Ancestors for Skyrim has been quite,. Daedric Prince will not ask again, so choose wisely gradually diminish FANDOM Games Community going Ivarstead! Magicka cost reduction when active from 50 % a Mammoth skull list only includes the most locations. 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