My powers of visual observation and retention are famously bad. Here's the email I just received from someone named James Albright: Noah's ark was discovered by Ron Wyatt, whose ministry is named Wyatt Archeological Research. Ron Wyatt's Death Bed Confession Confirms He's Telling The Truth About The Ark of The Covenant & Mark of The BeastCheck out Ron Wyatt Video Presentation of h. Discovery News Im having just a little bit of trouble hearing you. Bill Fry: I dont know that its really necessary to address that aspect of it, because nobodys asking about that part. Sadly though, they don't tell us what this test was or released the actual data. The underwhelming evidence is here (scroll down): That story has been covered here already, but now there has been an update courtesy of, who elsethe WorldNutDaily! Analysis reveals metal content in specimen taken from Ark site in Turkey, Richard Rives recalls account of Josephus relating to ashen remains of Gomorrah, Rock in Horeb found near burnt mountain in Saudi Arabia, First Century Jerusalem 30 Feet Underground Richard Rives and Wayne Farris. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Who really cares whether or not he found the Ark of the Covenant? Jim Pinkoski? Pastor and Evangelist Kenneth Cox through the Word of God shows clearly how current events relate to the Prophecy for the times you and I are living. I have sometimes said that, if and when World War Three breaks out, it will be six feet away from where this man happens to be standing at that moment; a bit like being the guy who happened to be standing next to Crown Prince Ferdinand when he was shot in 1914. The other notable feature was the crack in the roof of the cave with the dark stain of blood on one side of it, about the size of ones hand I should think. Bill Fry: So its not just as simple as walking through a tunnel? Obviously, this substance had dripped from the crack in the roof, and provision had been made for it to land on the Ark of the Covenant, as the stone lid had been cracked and moved aside. The crack in the roof was clearly visible with the Blood still on it; the table was there in close-up, and many piles of skins. Where is the Ark of the Covenant Located? What happened after that? Miss Me With That Gay Sh*t". WND and Stop the ACLU both picked up on the ark story today. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. Anyway, once we found that place, I knew that, well basically, that I needed to get inside that escarpment, because there were several indications that it was just a system of tunnels and chambers, and that I needed to, basically, just go chamber by chamber, tunnel by tunnel, and whatever, systematically go through there, until I found the Ark of the Covenant, or until I didnt find it. Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. At 17 minutes Ron relates what he was told about the 2 tables of stone of the 10 Commandments.Wyatts problem started because Israeli Antiquities didnt want him to tell anyone about his find, but he had already told some people. This answers your question. If theres anything I can do for you, or Mary Nell, give me a call, and well do what we can. Only one person viewed it simultaneously with me, but several others had seen it just a few days previously. To be fair to Mr. Wyatt, I heard him on the radio shortly after his Red Sea discovery, while he claimed the find proved the Charleton Heston bit, the evidence didn't really point that way. Ron spent 22 years of his life looking for the sites described in the early writings of the Bible. Here are three major ones: Tentmaker, Christian Information Ministries and Answers in Genesis. However by the same token my visual imagination is pretty bad too, which is probably a good thing for this purpose. If you do not have the Real, NOAH'S ARK . That would explain all those other virgin births Ed, the way that letter reads to me, it sounds like he thinks you believe that ark was found, but you're giving credit to the wrong man. Ron Wyatt: The idea was that its occupied territory, they wanted to get it into unoccupied territory, and ordinarily, Im all for that. But for what its worth Im happy to answer any questions I can about the tape, and what I saw on it. FAQ Rons verbal account of this was that the effect was only on the tape; no such light was visible to him inside the cave where he saw the Ark plainly. Prophetic Visions2. He claimed all kinds of stuff, on all the "scientific" tests that showed that Wyatt was correct, and sad thing, after constantly being torn apart by the facts, he still came back and declared "victory". My sole purpose in mentioning it here was to help strengthen the faith of some here whose confidence in Rons word may have been shaken by doubts. I dont recall any close-ups of the coverings, but the general impression was one of grey dustiness. Ron was the cameraman, but he didnt appear in front of the camera, and I dont recall his giving any verbal commentary on the sequence inside the cave. I hope I have given you something of the picture. Learn how your comment data is processed. Dieser Endzeit-Trakt ist inspiriert von der Herr der Ringe Visionen der Letzten Tage von Tolkien. Ron Wyatt: And there is a little bit of conundrum: it wasnt stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, when the Sunday law,but I tell people, and I think its wiser to tell people that, since its not lying or deceiving, is that when the mark of the beast law is in force. > 4. 105,224 281. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. And so, anyway, the. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Ron Wyatt, founder of WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) claimed to have discovered the location of Noah's Ark , Sodom and Gomorrah , the Red Sea Crossing, the Ark of the Covenant, the site of Christ's crucifixion, the actual site of Mount Sinai as well as other important discoveries. Ron Wyatt: Thats correct. Was there a time stamp on the tape itself that was displayed on the screen? [From going to Visitor Centre on that site, because the referred page does not exist any more, then go to FAQ and then there is the above information on the Ark of the Covenant which certainly does not negate Ron Wyatts version.]. 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And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. 3:14 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: Study Topics. No. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Wyatt claimed the blood is still alive and multiplying. One night while watching a Bible based television news show I heard Ron Wyatt telling of his discovery of Noah's Ark, not up in the ice and snow where it would be almost impossible to get to, but in an area where you could actually go and check it out. How many people were with you when you viewed it and where did this occur? Photo taken Monday, August 12, 2013. Prophetic Words4. Ron Wyatt: The south side. (Karyotype is a test to identify and evaluate the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells.). His wife too is the CEO of a multi-million business. Your email address will not be published. In June of 1999, the late Bill Fry, former president of Anchorstone International interviewed Ron Wyatt by phone concerning his experiences in the Ark of the Covenant chamber. to the message Ron Wyatt got, the Ark will be revealed around the time of the institution of the 666 Mark of the Beast. Bill Fry: Well, thats the nature of the caves and tunnels, if youve been in them before. You really can't write comedy like this. Same answer as that to question 5 Im afraid. And he seemed to be an honest guy and all of that, and I dont think he could have made that description without having seen it, theres no way it could have happened. Ron Wyatt: That was the first time I had been through it. He remembered the earthquake crack at the foot of the cross hole, and suddenly an awesome realization as to what had happened, came over him. That afternoon he had some specimens from the Red Sea Crossing and Noah's Ark for us to look at . If any of the above writers would like to publish more of their work on our site, please let us know! Sinai, the Ark of the Covenant and, most ridiculously, the actual blood of Jesus Christ! I have prayed for many years to learn of the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant. But for all that, it would be hard to think of a more suitable man to be keeper of something like this. Does he have tracts that can be passed out in front of a local Taco Bell, by chance? My principal contribution to this debate is simply that I can testify to having seen that tape, that it showed exactly what Ron said it did, and that I was awed at what I saw. Events turned out otherwise however, and the last order I had from the Lord was not to remove it from its present safe location. Ron Wyatt said that the blood of Christ ran down through that crevice and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of , In Sept. 1960, 27 year old Ron Wyatt, along with thousands of other people, read an article in Life Magazine about a strange boat-shaped formation in the mountains of Ararat: NOAHS ARK? Ron Wyatt: And there is a little bit of conundrum: it wasnt stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, when the Sunday law, but I tell people, and I think its wiser to tell people that, since its not lying or deceiving, is that when the mark of the beast law is in force. The same was true of his father, so it runs in the family. Contributions are fully tax-deductible. Expdition 2007 1 529 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Preuves Historiques et Scientifiques 1 588 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No la recherche de l'Arche de No HOME . So the presumably religious Jewish authorities then had to sent for Christian Ron Wyatt, who was at home in Tennessee, because he was the only living person who had ever been inside and had actually touched the Ark and survived! I find it exciting when new discoveries are made that prove God exists. Wyatt was a nurse anesthetist (now deceased) who claimed not only to have found Noah's Ark, but to have found virtually everything in Biblical archaeology that might be important to Christians - Noah's Ark, the exact place where the Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to escape Egypt, the true location of Mt. Gods grace is sufficient and his Mercies endureth for ever.. Grainy footage or clear? Walmart Protestor Wins Preliminary Injunction, Messier Monday: A Secretly Active Spiral Galaxy, M77, Why does gravity move at the speed of light? The tape was free from grain, but the colour balance was not great. This is why people started calling Ron a fraud. I guess we will see. When God does something I just know its done perfectly, so. Ronald Eldon Wyatt (2 June 1933 - August 4, 1999) was a Pseudoarchaeologist - Pseudohistorian famed for alleged discoveries of material evidence in support of some of the major events recorded in the Bible , such as advocating the Durupnar site as the site of Noah's Ark, along with almost 100 other alleged Bible-related discoveries. Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant Watch on 2:18 pm, Eva Ron says that he changed it to The Mark . I just wanted to comment on your statement on 7 years of tribulation. Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. Pretty sad, but it was worth the broken irony meters. Store this has not happened yet. > 5. The case is scheduled to begin January 26th. It is known for the Yellow Emperors tomb, hence the name Huangling of the county. -Patrick Henry Bill Fry: Now the ark was facing you if you were standing looking at it, is that correct? Best to just let it all be as Ron left it. Bill Fry: Now let me ask you a question here. Ron Wyatt: Yeah, he told me that it had to do with when these were to be shown to the world. Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the First Temple, he already knew, through Divine inspiration, that eventually it would be destroyed. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. And so basically, I was going to ask, What are you doing here? because Im the only one I knew of that had permission or the right to be in there, and at that point, I became aware that my physical condition was altered so that I knew I was in the presence of angels, you know, that these were not just people, because I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move, I couldnt talk, couldnt do anything. Mary Nell learned pretty well how to do what he does. Bill Fry: Now, if I remember correctly, at that point you said, I dont, you didnt know what to do with the tables of stone, because you were holding them. Salvation Gospel Tract Download A5 4-pager), Die Rckkehr des Knigs (German Endtime Tract), Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics: The Presentation, Shi Ji Annals of Yin by Sima Qian 100 BC, Detailed Scientific Geological Biological Historical Study on Global Flood of Noah, Zosers Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis, How Ignorant Pagans Deified A Real-Life Wodan Into Their Ancestral Anglo-Saxon Warrior God Odin, Screw-like Objects Discovered in Ancient Million-year-old Rock in Southeastern China From Global Flood Mis-identified, How Huxleys X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years, Is Wikipedia Reliable? No. His little friend brought him a Bible and Tommy got saved. Bill Fry: Okay. MT. Metal content found in petrified specimens from boat shaped formation in mountains of Eastern Turkey, indicates a man-made object assembled with metal fittings. Ron Wyatt Family Website Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Videos Play all 5:43 Sodom & Gomorrah- EXTREME Heat explained 18K views7 months ago 1:04:14 Sodom & Gomorrah with. Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. Those threads were pure comedy. see videos And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. And so, anyway, I said, Why do you ask? and he seemed a little distressed with the whole thing, you know, and he said, Well, I had a dream. And I dont remember if it was the night before I was talking to him, or that day, or anyway, it hadnt been too long since he had this dream, and he said, Ive been praying since I heard about the Ark of the Covenant, that the Lord would let me see what it looked like, I just felt a real burden to see what it looked like, and he said, I had this dream, and I was in this chamber in this dream, and he said, The Ark of the Covenant was right there in front of me. Basically, and he said, However, the wall behind the Ark of the Covenant, and he described it perfectly, you know. However my memory is certainly that it wasnt in the center of the cave; I think it was close to a wall at the back. [], Tommy is the true story from days gone by, about a handicapped boy who couldnt even leave his home. Ron Wyatt: Yeah, and on top of the tables of stone, they were both there. play the audio & video files. It was a large natural, boat-shaped formation. I believe in the Rapture and that saved believers in the twinkle of an eye will be caught up with the dead with Him in the air just before the tribulation. Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics. As I suppose they hadnt. Ron Wyatt When he opened it, he discovered on the other side a very large tunnel which extended in both directions. I was an eye-witness of Rons tape of the inside of the cave. Post Views: 11,526. More Discoveries Jim " PYGMIES + DWARFS??" His friends and contacts are too. Bill Fry: Because Im leaving tomorrow, and Ive still got some things to do around here relative to getting ready for Sabbath and for the trip. And I guess I should say a couple of words here, that the Ark of the Covenant was not covered in all this debris like everything else. Ron Wyatt videos, Richard Rives RON WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH INC This is a discussion of the inter-connectivity of the Hebrew Roots movement, the late Ron Wyatt of Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc, and Seventh Day Adventism. As a heathen (i.e., a Jew), I feel compelled to nitpick: it's oy vey, not oi vey. Needless to say, he brags of all these fantastic scientific tests that never see the light of day - but trust him, he's got em! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. The Wyatt mentioned deathbed confession speech mark of the beast, or Sunday observance religion decree was mentioned by an Angel near the discovered Arc of the Covenant, and as an advocacy for Europe by the current Pope of this 21st Century, since Trumps election. Video shot in 2007 of Ron Wyatt's sons and they share their experiences and give their testimonies to the authenticity of some of the finds of Ron Wyatt. The place looked like a lumber room, with things everywhere all over the floor, and of course all those heaps of skins, so that you would have to clamber over one thing to look at the next. Could these discoveries provide proof of accounts as found in Scripture? From being a well paid anethatist to running out of money for accommodation in Jerusalem is in itself saying something about the mans character. The "H" in "Jesus H. Ron Wyatt: When I got in there, the light, the room has its own light, and I made that inference that it didnt happen until I had gotten inside the chamber and was just standing on the floor of the chamber. They were folded up as you would fold a lot of blankets, and some were obviously covering large objects underneath. Ron was indeed led by God in locating the Ark and also the other furnishings of the sanctuary. Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in 'Ark' chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. In color? Have you?]. $11.95. Anunnaki Shock and the Nephilim? Joey Barta, Dimercia Spooner and Bryan Chase. I suppose it was NTSC (which in the days when I was a videotape engineer we used to say stood for Never The Same Colour twice). I cant give you any meaningful estimate of the exact distance Id have to view the tape again to do that but my memory is that it was about enough to crawl into and not much more. Watch on. First Century Jerusalem 30 Feet Underground Richard Rives and Wayne Farris, Picture Credit Wyatt Archaeological Research. Con men simply don't get much more transparent than this guy. Go to visitor center then go to frequently asked questions. But what with there being so many objects in there, only those in front of the camera being illuminated, and the light in front of the Ark dis-orienting things a bit, I couldnt swear to it. June 7, 2020 @ Ron Wyatt: I didnt know what to do with that. No. Ron Wyatt claimed to have discovered (or positively identified--at least to his own satisfaction--for the first time in modern history) a large number of locations and objects in the Middle East which would corroborate the events of the Bible. [Here Ron Wyatt is referring to six Israeli men who, dressed up in white clothing as Levite priests, went into the chamber to take out the Ark, presumptuously assuming they possessed Holy authority to move the Ark or even touch it. 1 1 821 Dec 8, 2016 Roy des Francs Clovis Ier 413 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Arche Retrouve ! It was only when he viewed the tape afterwards that he saw that the light had covered the Ark for the purpose of the recording. * such as the staff of Aaron that brought forth almond blossoms during the controversy involving Korach (Numbers 16); the jar of manna that had been placed in the Holy of Holies as a testimony; and the jar of anointing oil. And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. Starting at 9:00 in the video notice how Dr Carl Baugh and another scientist actually examine the site Ron Wyatt claims is the location of Noah's Ark. It is our A.P. [Please continue to pray for dear Kent Hovind that he may be released from his cruelly much too long prison sentence he didnt deserve, but got anyway because they hate his guts for having destroyed the Evolutionary paradigm through his amazing ministry, debating the Darwinists so much that they didnt want to face him anymore! Bill Fry: Now let me ask you a question here. Richard Rives (president of Wyatt Archaeological Research) leads team members in dangerous excavation of underground quarries. And I just want you to know I appreciate you, Bill. We are part of Science 2.0,a science education nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Ron Wyatt: Well I didnt, what the thing I didnt know what to do with was later, was after I had taken the video back to my room and checked it to make sure that I had the you know, video. Maybe they just relied on the "looks like wood to me" test. Oi is what the skinheads in England chant. If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. Ron Wyatt: Well, it had, they had cleaned that one out, yeah. Ron Wyatt (1933-1999) was a nurse-anesthetist in a hospital in Madison, Tennessee. This video is part 1 of an event held at Biola University called Part 1 Part 2 [], Records of the Grand Historian Annals of Yin Qi of Yins mother was Jian Di, who was one of the daughters of Yousong and the secondary wife of Emperor Ku. In June of 1999, the late Bill Fry, former president of Anchorstone International interviewed Ron Wyatt by phone concerning his experiences in the Ark of the Covenant chamber. ScienceBlogs is where scientists communicate directly with the public. Bill Fry: Right. Now in the context of our uneventful little lives, that sounds hard to believe; that anybody to whom these things mean so much could actually forget such a unique thing in his possession! . And so, when I found it, it was in a situation that I had not anticipated or expected, that was that it was in a chamber that was totally filled with what appeared to be debris. Wyatt is so bad that other creationist and Christian groups have put up webpages debunking his work. Bill Fry: And that was shortly after Reverend White retired. Noah's Ark Chin), The World To Come Heavenly City English Gospel Tract Download Rev. And so, anyway, at that point, just basically kept in mind that I was very, very stunned, by the whole thing. And this extended from the floor, which I didnt know at the time, the dimensions or whatever, but anyway the box extended up to within approximately three inches of the ceiling. American Legion Lloyd G. Mc Carter Post 25 presented a $500.00 scholarship to Kaelyn Blackwell (left) of St. Maries at the regular monthly meeting on January 3, 2023. Bill Fry: Right. So at the time I decided to get Jim Pinkoski to work me up some (drawings), you know? Probably these spring like screws were captured in one of the multiple rock-, sand- [], Ed: This is an excellent article by Matthew Ehret Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review . I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. I'll prognosticate here and suggest they analysed carbon in the samples, and found it to be in the range of 0.7 - 0.8%. While some claim to have evidence that the ark is in Ethiopia, and of course, moviegoers were treated to a fanciful version of the story in Raiders of the Lost Ark, in reality, the expression lost ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish peoples point of view because we have always known exactly where it is. Im so glad I stumbled on this tonight. Can I just ask you one thing on a personal note, and this wont be any part of what were talking about doing here, who was it that initiated those men going in there trying to move that thing, do you know? Why is this information not all over the web? And I said, Well, I dont do that. And I have a you know, I just havent done that. (Synopsis), Nonlinear Optics, Back-of-Envelope Numbers. And so basically, I was going to ask, What are you doing here? because Im the only one I knew of that had permission or the right to be in there, and at that point, I became aware that my physical condition was altered so that I knew I was in the presence of angels, you know, that these were not just people, because I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move, I couldnt talk, couldnt do anything. Some people think it was taken to the Vatican, together with other Temple vessels, such as those depicted on the Roman monument, the Arch of Titus. Bill Fry: Ron, could you speak up? Bill Fry: This is the wall behind the ark? Are there people out there who still take Ron Wyatt seriously? 3:16 And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more. Test them in my word, Jesus says. Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 3 of 4 - Ark of the Covenant, 2017 (mirrored): Ron Wyatt's.. News video on One News Page on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 It's not a coincidence that he is also a Baptist minister. They werent piled in a corner; they were heaped everywhere, all over the floor and everything else. You can not change the world? This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwins Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). 3:17 At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. Only the King James version is unadulterated.). The table was rectangular and had a raised decorative border a few inches high running all around the top, with what I took to be cast pomegranates at regular intervals. Specially designed underwater video equipment was employed. and then click subscribe, ____________________________________________, ________________________________________________________, Ron Wyatt answers questions from the audience in this 1997, Q & A session. 3:18 In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. Did it look like Hi-8 video or something older? Ron Wyatt: The south side. > 12. Like was Ron shooting the video from the floor of the chamber or was he standing on stones or what? Shaky? And I know that sounds a little science fictionish, but. Me with that itself that was shortly after Reverend White retired he opened it, is correct! 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