Christ accounts himself reproached in their reproaches; and, while he thus interests himself in their reproaches, they become riches, and greater riches than the treasures of the richest empire in the world; for Christ will reward them with a crown of glory that fades not away. Of this we saw somewhat inHebrews 10:1-39; Hebrews 10:1-39. We often say, "It is good to be akin to an estate;" but surely it is good to be akin to the covenant. (2.) And yet, she received strength to conceive seed and bore the son, though she was past age, because she judged Him faithful. [3.] The nature of it, and the honour it reflects upon all who live in the exercise of it, ver 1-3. Hebrews 11 The apostle having, in the close of the foregoing chapter, recommended the grace of faith and a life of faith as the best preservative against apostasy, he how enlarges upon the nature and fruits of this excellent grace. And because they only read the story in a cursory manner, they are confused and they ridicule such a God that would require such a thing of a man. A true believer will despise them when they are offered upon such terms. But as God said, "Through Isaac shall thy seed be called." asked Abraham. So he knelt down and worshipped the sun. Expositor's Bible Commentary- It was when he thought he was near death that Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau (Gen 27:2, 4). No act of sacrilege was omitted. and made it still more manifest and heinous. The sting is gone. It is the most beautiful adventure in life." Others were crucified because they refused to accept release, for they were eager to obtain a better resurrection. ), This was an exercise of his faith. 2. I see its effect as I bring opposite poles together and I watch them attract. 2. After the smashing of the Spanish Armada, there was erected on Plymouth Hoe a monument with the inscription: "God sent his wind and they were scattered." "And unto the city of the living God, (not of dying David,) the heavenly Jerusalem" (not the earthly capital of Palestine). This they did for three months. It is a great privilege to be the offspring of good parents, and often the wicked children of good parents fare the better in this world for their parents' sake, for things present are in the covenant; but they are not the best things, and no man knoweth love or hatred by having or wanting such things. (c) In Hebrews 11:13 he uses the word parepidemos ( G3927) . h T. Bab. Greek athletes trained naked and some of the Jewish priests even went so far as to seek to obliterate the mark of circumcision from their bodies so that they might become completely hellenized. But in Cain's heart there was still bitter envy. The Jews would not have Him living. Here was a band of wretched Hebrew slaves about to set off on a journey across an unknown desert to an unknown promised land and here was the whole power of Egypt hot upon their heels; yet Moses never doubted that God would bring them safely through. Joseph gave instruction about returning his bones to Canaan: But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red sea: and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Because as it goes on. (ii) The second act of faith was Moses' loyalty to his own people. If I have an indisputable present title of access into the holiest of all, I must not shrink from the place of ashes outside the camp. The Rabbis were proud to trace their descent to her. Jesus alone. The one is what may be called the objective glory; the other is the subjective condition of those that compose the bride, the Lamb's wife. (Compare Acts 15:22.) The influence this had upon his present conversation: it was a support to him under all the trials of his sojourning state, helped him patiently to bear all the inconveniences of it, and actively to discharge all the duties of it, persevering therein unto the end. Alcibiades that brilliant but wild young man of Athens used to say to Socrates: "Socrates, I hate you, for every time I meet you, you show me what I am." Had the energetic activity of faith been first noticed, it would have made more of man; but when the heart had been disciplined in quiet endurance, and lowly expectancy from God, then he could be clothed with the energy of the Spirit. The apostle here mentions some things that very much added to the greatness of this trial. They all died in faith, believing the promise that God would, indeed, send His salvation through His Son. Take thy son, not one of thy beasts or slaves, thy only son by Sarah, Isaac thy laughter, the child of thy joy and delight, whom thou lovest as thine own soul; take him away to a distant place, three days' journey, the land of Moriah; do not only leave him there, but offer him for a burnt offering." (3.) (7.) If you say," For where a covenant is, there must also of necessity be the death of the covenanter" the person. Read full chapter Hebrews 11:22 in all English translations Hebrews 10 Hebrews 12 New International Version (NIV) The prudent, comfort-loving man is the very opposite of God. It is I likely that the Hebrew believers were somewhat unruly. (iv) Noah was righteous through faith. The riches and honours of Joseph, as they could not secure him from death, so they did not make him unmindful of it; nor was he afraid of dying, or uneasy about it; nor did his prosperity make him proud, or above speaking to his brethren, nor revengeful to them, nor unthoughtful of their future afflictions; nor did his affluence of temporal things take off his regards to divine promises, nor weaken his faith in them, which is here commended in the following instances; as that at the time of his death. The legends go on to tell that Terah not only worshipped twelve idols, one for each of the months, but was also a manufacturer of idols. The difficulties Isaac's faith struggled with. How easily we even forget that we are not Jews but Christians! Josephs faith was recognized from the time he was a small child (approximately seventeen years of age) when he was sold by his brothers and taken to Egypt until near the time of his death. Such is the true sense of the passage. It is said that without this faith it is impossible to please God, without such a faith as helps us to walk with God, an active faith, and that we cannot come to God unless we believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. Even the Greeks saw its horror. When does it first appear? "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, confessing his name. That is why, at least in one sense, it is dangerous to be a Christian. Thus it will prove a land-mark to direct their course, a load-stone to draw their hearts, a sword to conquer their enemies, a spur to quicken them to duty, and a cordial to refresh them under all the difficulties of doing and suffering work. What mountain in the Old Testament so much speaks of grace, of God's merciful interference for His people when all was lost? It simply says that in God's good time he passed serenely from this earth. (2.) And where thou art a stranger thou must not open thy mouth. They endeavoured to lay aside every weight, to gird up the loins of their minds to mind their way, to keep company and pace with their fellow-travellers, looking for difficulties, and bearing them, and longing to get home. No doubt that is true; but, if we want to see this story at its greatest and as the writer to the Hebrews saw it, we must take it at its face value. According, to the Jews it was quite impossible, if God had once established a covenant, He could ever change; but the apostle replies that their own prophet is against their theory. It may indicate that God is ashamed that some people call Him God. "I can never attain to that." where one competent to take up that word "for ever"? So, he ordered all of the baby boys to be drowned in the Nile. There are many who believe in God but do not believe that he cares. [3.] But this time is not yet come. It is not seniority of birth, but grace, that makes men truly honourable. I may, of course, see what is before my eyes, and. Centuries after this Judas Maccabaeus and his men were facing the city of Caspis, so secure in its strength that its defenders laughed in their safety. ", Then he commends the saints to God. The verb means to finish or close, with life understood. But they stedfastly adhered to God and duty under all discouragements and against all temptations to revolt from him. Let us hold fast the profession of our hope [for so it should be] without wavering (for he is faithful that promised); and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." God must come to us before we come to him. VI. But then comes far more definite instruction, and, beginning with Abraham, the details of faith. He only removes obstructions, and maintains our communion with Himself; surely this ought to settle every question for the believer. The sun rose in all its glory and Abraham said: "Surely the sun is God, the Creator!" But having looked up to Him who is above all, he speaks of the highest group next to God in His judicial character, namely, the Old Testament saints. The faith of the father, Abraham, passed on to Isaac, who by faith blessed his two sons, Jacob and Esau, and prophesied of the things to come. In Ecclesiasticus ( Sir_29:22-28 ) there is a wistful passage: "Better the life of the poor under a shelter of logs. This was why Joseph left instructions about his burial. This proves that the city of the heavenly Jerusalem does not mean the church, because here they are certainly distinguished from each other, which therefore completely settles all the argument that is often founded on Abraham's looking for a heavenly city. They cared not to engage much in it. Our failure and our fear are so often due to the fact that we try to do things alone. The hill of Zion up to this time had been the constant menace of the enemy against the people of the Lord; but in due time, when David reigned, it was wrested out of the hands of the Jebusites, and became the stronghold of Jerusalem, the city of the king. And God was sort of ashamed that I should be so identified. 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. On the other hand it is notoriously true, that in no case can a testament come into execution without the testator's death a figure that every man at once discerns. Many that are interested in the promises do not presently receive the things promised. It was a testimony of his righteousness. (2.) The reward of his faith in this great trial (; Hebrews 11:19): he received his son from the dead in a figure, in a parable. On these things I need not now dwell farther than to characterize all, from Abraham inclusively, as the patience of faith. "What kind of God is He that would require a man to offer his son as a human sacrifice?" In Measure for Measure Shakespeare makes Claudio say: Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; And blown with restless violence round about, The weariest and most loathed worldly life. Yet Rahab believed and staked her whole future on the belief--that God would make the impossible possible. But even the apostle felt his own need of the prayers of the faithful, not because he had gone wrong, but because he was conscious of no hindrance to his work from a had conscience. The story we have ; Joshua 6:5, &c. Here observe, 1. See how Moses weighed matters: in one scale he put the worst of religionthe reproaches of Christ, in the other scale the best of the worldthe treasures of Egypt; and in his judgment, directed by faith, the worst of religion weighed down the best of the world. Among other instructions, he told them to return his bones to their homeland, Canaan; he gave a "commandment" (entellomai), meaning an "order" (Thayer 218): And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he, and his fathers house: and Joseph lived an hundred and ten years. A true believer is desirous, not only to be in covenant with God, but in communion with the people of God; and is willing to fare as they fare. Again, we usually in our minds picture Isaac, because of the Sunday school papers that we had, of being maybe eight to ten years old. He blessed both the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh; he adopted them into the number of his own sons, and so into the congregation of Israel, though they were born in Egypt. At that very moment therefore the tide begins to turn. [2.] It probably accounted for the longevity of life, averaged nine hundred years or so. This, he maintains, has always been so; it is no novelty he is preaching. We must believe not only that God exists but also that he cares and is involved in the human situation. It is wise and necessary to examine closely what they mean. "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.". But it has pleased God to single two instances out of many of the faith of this patriarch, besides what has been already mentioned in the account of Abraham. Thursday, January 12, 2023 Hebrews 12:5 -- On Love and Memory "And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:" Hebrews 12:5 This points out a couple of areas where we are frequently weak. Observe, [1.] The actings of Abraham's faith in so great a trial: he obeyed; he offered up Isaac; he intentionally gave him up by his submissive soul to God, and was ready to have done it actually, according to the command of God; he went as far in it as to the very critical moment, and would have gone through with it if God had not prevented him. But the really amazing thing is that, according to the Exodus story, Moses not only made these regulations for the night on which the children of Israel were leaving Israel; he also laid it down that they were to be observed annually for all time. His blood must be sprinkled; it must be applied to those who have the saving benefit of it. The doctrine follows: "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost." So Abraham took the ram, and offered it on the altar. (1.) So then I believe in the gods and I honour them, because again and again I have experienced their power." He does not require to add more to the person and facts of Christ than the Old Testament furnishes, to prove the certainty of Christianity and all its characteristic truths with which he occupies himself in this epistle. When he was still a child, Thermouthis took him to Pharaoh and told him how she had found him. He could have just gone on as the son of Pharaoh's daughter and enjoyed through his lifetime the pleasures of sin, but that would have been a very short time, though he lived to be one hundred twenty, still short in comparison to the fact that he has been gone for 3,700 years now. See on Hebrews 11:15. All of them trusted God even if they could not fully imagine what God's promises would entail. For their spiritual birth is thence, there are their best relations, and there is their inheritance. As a commander and ruler in Jeshurun, after God had employed him to humble Pharaoh and make him willing to let Israel go. For Christ is not entered into holies made with hands, figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God for us.". Who ever walked in faith as He? Then, very gently, Popilius told Antiochus that Rome did not wish him to proceed with the campaign but wished him to go home. But it is interesting, "I and the lad will go and will worship God and will come again." to the foundations, which became apparent too, too quickly in Solomon's son. This leads him, from speaking of Esau's case, to add as a known fact, that afterward, when he desired to have inherited the blessing he was rejected (for he found no place of repentance), though he sought it carefully with tears. When Joshua sent out spies to spy out the situation in Jericho, they found a lodging in the house of Rahab, a harlot. THE FAITH WHICH DEFEATS DEATH ( Hebrews 11:20-22 ). It is not merely that which goes on quietly waiting for the accomplishment of the counsels of God. But this trial was greater than all; he was commanded to offer up his son Isaac. (1.) And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence. He had such a firm belief that they would possess the land of promise, that he exacted an oath of them that they would remove his remains with them, that he might be buried in the land of his fathers. [3.] He lived in tents. He prayed for them, that they might both be blessed of God. For now God came out, so to speak, in His own power and grace, and, in the person of Christ on the cross, put away sin abolished it from before His face, and set the believer absolutely free from it as regards judgment. As the old story tells it, so it happened. The evidence of things not seen. Men have called God The First Principle, The First Cause, The Creative Energy, The Life Force. I know!" True faith will show itself in good works, especially towards the people of God. And what then? A woman came in with a dish of meat for the gods. That is the faith which gave you your religion. ", Finally, he beseeches his brethren to hear the word of exhortation. What is the end of the story? Hereby, [1.] Clement of Rome quotes her as an outstanding example of one who was saved "by faith and hospitality.". The answer is, by sacrifice. They are strangers as saints, whose home is heaven; they are pilgrims as they are travelling towards their home, though often meanly and slowly. (6.) For the martyred saint's blood the earth cried to God for vengeance; but Christ's blood proclaims mercy from God, and the millennial day will be the glorious witness of its depth, and extent, and stability, before the universe. God bless you and give you a beautiful week. He may leave something which will grow and spread like a canker; or he may leave something fine which blossoms and flourishes without end. The principle upon which his faith acted in these his motions: He endured, as seeing him that was invisible.He bore up with invincible courage under all danger, and endured all the fatigue of his employment, which was very great; and this by seeing the invisible God. It was due to the faith of these men that the Jewish religion was not completely destroyed. Note, Those that are once effectually and savingly called out of a sinful state have no mind to return into it again; they now know better things. Therefore all such recurring sacrifices only call sins to remembrance; but what the blood of Christ has done is so completely to blot them out, that God Himself says, "I will remember them no more. The only thing they would offer was a broken toy they could well do without. But Biden concludes with a less-than-biblical solution. He owed his life to this princess; and to refuse such kindness from her would look not only like ingratitude to her, but a neglect of Providence, that seemed to intend his advancement and his brethren's advantage. Abel took refuge on the mountains but Cain still pursued him saying: "The mountains, too, are mine." He sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange country.This was an exercise of his faith. ", The Arabs have a different legend. Ours should as well. The third brother was brought forward. Here is the great function of life. Observe. Search Results by Book. For Christ, on whom the promises depend. By the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the author is rounding third base in his sermon. Far better than his hearers should be moved by this and that phrase to remember them for themselves. There is condemnation for the sinner; but there is still greater condemnation for the man who teaches another to sin. 1. Indeed we may say that the whole epistle to the Hebrews is just this: we start from the foundation of grace up to God Himself in the heavens; and thence springs the certainty that the stream of grace is not exhausted, and that undoubtedly it will issue in unceasing blessing by-and-by for the earth, and for the people of Israel above all, in the day of Jehovah. And to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord.Shall we pray.Thank you, Father, for all that You have done for us. This should have been a rule to him all along, but he was rather swayed by natural affection, and by general custom, which gives the double portion of honour, affection, and advantage, to the first-born. There was Samuel, born to his mother so late in life ( 1 Samuel 1:1-28), again and again moving alone as the only strong and faithful man of God amongst an easily frightened, discontented and rebellious people. (7.) The strength of nature, as well as grace, is from God: he can make the barren soul fruitful, as well as the barren womb. He does not draw attention here to the account, that there was only blessing from man to God, and from God to man. It is not only that we believe it, but we understand it thereby. It is a reward suitable to the price paid for itthe blood of Christ; suitable to the perfections of God, and fully answering to all his promises. So, following the family line. In view of this, Amram and Jochebed decided to make a little ark and to entrust their child to it on the waters of the Nile. We know they exist, but yet, they are invisible. Those whose names are barely mentioned, and an account given in general of the exploits of their faith, which it is left to the reader to accommodate, and apply to the particular persons from what he gathers up in the sacred story. In Hebrews 11:17, the tense of offered indicates that in purpose and intent, he offered Isaac. Christ has obtained redemption, and this is witnessed by the token of the veil rent from top to bottom. (v) Many have seen in death release. When the fire, an emblem of God's justice, consumed the offering, it was a sign that the mercy of God accepted the offerer for the sake of the great sacrifice. Hebrews 9:1-28 brings us into the types of the Levitical ritual, priesthood and sacrifice. It was ordered that they should compass the walls about once a day for seven days together and seven times the last day, that the priests should carry the ark when they compassed the walls about, and should blow with trumpets made of rams' horns, and sound a longer blast than before, and then all the people should shout, and the walls of Jericho should fall before them. Enoch made three requests of him. Biblical References: Hbr 11:23-30 . Their old friends would have been glad to receive them. But a good point may be made by contrasting the idea which an Egyptian had when he arranged that his body should be embalmed, with the idea that Joseph had in arranging for the preservation of his bones. Note, (1.) We can understand, therefore, both the delicacy that thus entreated them, and the meaning of the added words, "for also in few words I have written to you." She had gone out of the way of her duty through unbelief, in putting Abraham upon taking Hagar to his bed, that he might have a posterity. But a God who is a mathematician need not care. He gave his spirit so that we might have power to say "no" to sin. One further effort, a little more waiting, a little more hoping, would make the dream come true. What should we learn from it? The second brother they bound to the catapults. That we will not just take that which seems to be so exciting, and temporarily beneficial, but that we'll look and find out where the path leads. He honours the work of Christ, according to His estimate of its efficacy, as it is only according to His counsels about us for Christ's glory. Another point follows, connected with what we have had before us, and demanding our attention. 1. God has prescribed means and ways wherein he may be found; to with, a strict attention to his oracles, attendance on his ordinances, and ministers duly discharging their office and associating with his people, observing his providential guidance, and in all things humbly waiting his gracious presence. And as he starts towell, before he gets into it, he starts with just the creation of the world itself. Then he descends to a new or fresh covenant (not , as elsewhere, but ), the recently inaugurated covenant for the two houses of the ancient people. The manner in which he was called Stephen relates in Acts 7:2-3, The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in MesopotamiaAnd said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I will show thee. I should like to ask whether (or how far) all the believers here assembled can take this as their place with simplicity. There are certain surroundings which indicate to the competent eye when the word "covenant" is right and when the word "testament" is better. There we read of how the children of Israel were wondrously enabled to pass through and of how the Egyptians were engulfed when they tried to do the same. Hence learn, (1.) All their lives the patriarchs were men who had no settled place that they could call home. God is again to be found of us through Christ, the second Adam. The earliest legend tells how every time Eve bore children she bore twins, a boy and a girl, and that they were given to each other as man and wife. 3. If the law could show little mercy in such a case, the grace of God views all sin as intolerable. Hebrews 11:22. Consequently, when He comes again to them that look for Him, it is simply to bring them into all the eternal results of that great salvation. They were all men who were never afraid to stand alone and to face immense odds for the sake of their loyalty to God. It is excluded from syllabuses of religious education because it is held to teach an unacceptable view of God. Offer it on the altar." "As it is appointed unto men once to die," wages of sin, though not all, "but after this the judgment," or the full wages of sin, "so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many;" this He has finished; "and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." If He tells me to get out, I want Him to tell me where to go. (3.) One imperfection of the present state of the saints on earth is that their happiness lies more in promise and reversion than in actual enjoyment and possession. If he takes them into such a relation to himself, he will provide for them accordingly. (4.) ". These evidently are the elders of olden times. The seventh brother they roasted alive in a gigantic frying pan. They didn't die and enter into the kingdom of God, but they died and went with Abraham, being comforted by the man of faith that God would indeed keep His promise and be faithful to His word. Barnes, the departing--"the exodus" (Genesis 50:24-25). But it may well be that the writer to the Hebrews is thinking not only of the story as it is in Genesis but also of the legends which gathered round it in Jewish folk-lore. The story we have in Exodus, Exodus 14:1-31. [2.] Abraham saw Christ's day, when it was afar off, and rejoiced, ; John 8:56. So it is said here, "Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. But they journeyed on in obedience to God. God often gives his people living comforts in dying moments; and when he does it is their duty, as they can, to communicate them to those about them, for the glory of God, for the honour of religion, and for the good of their brethren and friends. Here observe. as He will appear to the salvation of His own people. There must be the death of him who so disposes of his property in order that the heir should take it under his testament. Many have suggested that that is the reason why God accepted Abel's, because he offered a blood sacrifice and rejected Cain's, because it was really the product of the works of his own hands that he brought to the Lord. See how this word, this thought, always predominates in the epistle. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. The idea being of God asking Abraham to give the most cherished possession that he had to Him. He, too, died faithful. The lamb sacrificed for the house. (1.) I've given you this land unto your seed forever. The grace of God is absolutely free, in taking some of the worst of men, and making them the best. It is said (; Genesis 22:1), God in this tempted Abraham; not to sin, for so God tempteth no man, but only tried his faith and obedience to purpose. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. XII. When we remember that the one who makes the promise is God, there comes the realization that however astonishing that promise may be, it must none the less be true. Twice Moses forsook Egypt: [1.] We have only to think of the early days of the Church. And what is the effect of it? For without faith it is impossible to please God ( Hebrews 11:6 ): So the witness of faith. 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