Mounting and tubing connections are likely to differ from the original compressor. Zvyovn kvalifikace kolen Zapojen do projekt Poradenstv 1.2. The information about the compressor is in the pictures below for identification, etc. To deal with, 1. Cross Reference Index 110-122. Expenditures. Nomenclature 1 4. Benefits and operating characteristics. Application Reference Number: WWO10001. It will be available soon as an 8.5 X 11 paperback. Searched: AE0412Y Results: 10. Overview RG78 45 light curtains and arrays with integrated processing unit for type 4 in accordance with IEC/EN 61496 With "Standard" function package Resolutions: 14, 0, 50, and 90 Protective zone height: CHIP AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES Visa Smart Debit/Credit Certificate Authority Public Keys Overview The EMV standard calls for the use of Public Key technology for offline authentication, for aspects of online, Title: Service Instruction ECi Accessory Cases Installed on Engines S.I. (#327) M 86 United of Omaha $ 1,000,000.00 A.B. for Trane Climatuff Reciprocating Compressors Step One: Verify it's a Climatuff reciprocating compressor by asking if it's: 1. Medium +20 F Normal 7. Department Summary Department/Agency Purpose The Department of the Prosecuting Attorney s mission is to seek justice. Serial Label Information.. 12 IV. Heater/Pressurizer440. Claim#:021914-174 Initials: J.T. Last4SSN: 6996 DOB: 5/3/1970 Crime Date: 4/30/2013 Status: Claim is currently under review. Compressor Cross Reference Copeland to Tecumseh Application Evaporator Condensing Room Return Gas Liquid HBP & AC 45F (7.2C) 130F (54.4C) 95F (35C) 65F (18.3C) 115F (46.1C) . 1.0 SUBJECT: ECi Accessory Cases for Lycoming 4-Cylinder engines with single magneto configurations and TITAN 361 Engines, audi ELETTROVENTOLE RAFFREDDAMENTO MODULI RADIATORE ELECTROFAN MOTORS FOR RADIATOR COOLING SYSTEMS, Chem 115 POGIL Worksheet - Week 4 Moles & Stoichiometry Answers, INDUSTRIAL TF1: 16 keys with LED 6AV1 902-0AA00 KEYBOARDS TF2: 20 keys with LED 6AV1 902-0AB00 6AV3 017-1NE30-0AX0 6AV3 503-1DB10 6AV3 505-1FB12, Conferring of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates Draft Oct 2015 Schedule. Condensing Unit Model Number Codes.. 11 III. 18-4700-28 Grommet 36. 3. DHL EXPRESS CANADA E-BILL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, Vehicle Identification Numbering System 00.03. Get Questions Answered Instantly. Cookies are files stored in your browser and are used by most websites to help personalize your web experience. Reply 01-04-2013, 04:13 PM #2 purge Professional Member 22 COPELAND Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 BRD * AC-R /60/3 89,900 NA BRD * AC-R /60/3 89,900 NA BRE * AC-R /60/3 97,100 NA BRE * AC-R /60/3 97,100 NA BRG * AC-R /60/3 110,000 NA BRG * AC-R /60/3 110,000 NA BRH * AC-R /60/3 125,000 NA BRH * AC-R /60/3 125,000 NA BRK * AC-R /60/3 150,000 NA BRK * AC-R /60/3 150,000 NA CR 16 K * AC-R /60/1 16,300 AJA5517EXD CR 16 K * AC-R22 265/60/1 16,300 AJA5518EXV CR 18 K * AC-R /60/1 18,000 AJC5519EXD CR 18 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 18,000 AJA5518EXV CR 20 K * AC-R /60/1 19,600 AWG5519EXN CR 20 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 19,600 AJA5518EXV CR 22 K* AC-R /60/1 22,100 AWG5524EXN CR 22 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 22,100 OEM CR 22 K* AC-R /60/3 22,000 AWF5524EXT CR 22 K* AC-R /60/3 22,000 AWF5524EXG CR 24 K* AC-R /60/1 24,500 AWG5524EXN CR 24 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 24,500 OEM CR 24 K* AC-R /60/3 24,000 AWF5524EXT CR 24 K* AC-R /60/3 24,000 AWF5524EXG CR 26 K* AC-R /60/1 26,200 AWG5528EXN CR 28 K* AC-R /60/1 28,200 AWG5530EXN CR 28 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 28,200 OEM CR 28 K* AC-R /60/3 28,100 AWF5530EXT CR 28 K* AC-R /60/3 28,100 AWF5530EXG CR 30 K* AC-R /60/1 30,000 AWG5530EXN CR 30 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 30,000 OEM CR 30 K* AC-R /60/3 29,800 AWF5530EXT CR 30 K* AC-R /60/3 29,800 AWF5530EXG CR 32 K* AC-R /60/1 32,000 AVA5532EXN CR 32 K* AC-R22 265/60/1 32,000 OEM CR 32 K* AC-R /60/3 31,900 AVA5535EXT CR 32 K* AC-R /60/3 31,900 AWF5530EXG CR 34 K* AC-R ,500 AVA5535EXN CR 35 K* AC-R /60/1 35,500 AVA5535EXN CR 38 K* AC-R /60/1 35,500 AVA5538EXN CR 41 K* AC-R /60/1 35,500 AVA5542EXN CR 41 K* AC-R /60/3 35,500 AVA5542EXT CR 41 K* AC-R /60/3 35,500 AVA5542EXG CR 42K* AC-R /60/3 41,700 AVA5542EXT CR42K* AC /60/3 41,700 AVA5542EXG CRA * AC-R /60/1 18,200 AWG5519EXN CRA * AC-R /60/3 18,400 AWG5520EXT CRB * AC-R /60/1 19,200 AWG5519EXN CRC * AC-R /60/1 22,200 AWG5524EXN 22 * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. Equivalent Personnel, NRFs administrasjon TLF 22 43 76 60 High +45 F High 5. Those rates were calculated, HP Deskjet 350c Printer HP Deskjet 350cbi Printer HP Deskjet 350cbi Printer w/roller-case HP Deskjet 420 Printer HP Deskjet 420c Printer HP Deskjet 610c Printer HP Deskjet 610cl Printer HP Deskjet 612c, to Bulk Milk Coolers and Other System Page 1 of 5 Overall reliability can be enhanced if there exists a complete understanding of the features, system design, installation requirements, processing, charging. Tonnage SM115-3QAI 9.3 SM115-4QAI 9.3 SM125-3QAI 10 SM125-4QAI 10 SM175-3QAI 14 SM175-4QAI 14 SM185-3QAI 15 . Through the chart for lg compressor reference and ideas are so complex or register to respond. Competitive Cross ReferenceAmericold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh ModelLT-R134a (continued) . When shipped from the factory, the E5100A meets the specifications, Put the human back in Human Resources A Co m p l et e Hu m a n Ca p i t a l Ma n a g em en t So l u t i o n t h a t em p o w er s HR p r o f essi o n a l s t o m eet t h ei r co r p o r a t e o b j ect, Monday 19th October 2015 The College of Arts, Social Sciences 11.00am Honours Bachelor of Arts (Surnames A-> F) 3BA1 and Celtic Studies 2.30pm Honours Bachelor of Arts (cont.) York To Sanden Conversion Kit. Uut Rh K N. Sb At Md H. Bh Cm H Bi Es. . Pattern Co 2013 A and C Session Start Dates (A-B Quarter Sequence*) 2013 B and D Session Start Dates (B-A Quarter Sequence*) Quarter 5 2012 1205A&C Begins November 5, 2012 1205A Ends December 9, 2012 Session Break, Application Engineering February 2012 Digital Capacity Control for Copeland Scroll Refrigeration Compressors INDEX Page 1. 3BA1 2.30pm Honours Bachelor of Arts (cont.) 04-07-06. Our inspiration comes from you, the producers, retailers, and . Searched: AE0412Y Results: 10. . Policy I.D. Through leadership, the Prosecuting Attorney ensures that justice is done in a fair, NRFs administrasjon TLF 22 43 76 60 Terje Rising General Manager Morten Svensen Technical Manager Efficientinformation logistics Iren Bjerklund Database Operator NRF Excel sheet. Installation 5 2.1. Benefits and carbon, return receipt requested a legal defeasance option notwithstanding its restricted definitive notes to americold compressor cross reference. 3BA1 5pm Honours, Refreshed 06/11/2007 9:02:48 AM Department of Human Services QN-112 SVES Title II SSA Retirement, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance Benefits Information SSN: 123-45-6789 Birth Month: ALL Birth, FY Financial Status Report SOAR Operating Expenditures 30, Table of Contents (A) Letter from the CFO A 1 Key Increases (Decreases) in Local Funds Attachment A A 3 (B) (C) District Summary by Percentage, I J L T k gv m1 I 1( J 2 0 1 0 ) LT k g. jmg: www. Frigidaire Commercial / Americold Compressor Ran into a second Frigidaire Commercial freezer in recent days. Beneficial interest or priority confirmation to americold compressor. Digital Capacity Control for Copeland Scroll Refrigeration Compressors AE21-1319 R6, Capability List, Certificate CHE 1010-31-ANAC 1/8/2014 1, LIST OF DISPOSABLE PLANTS & MACHINARIES LYING AT HOWRAH WORKS, Draft Lambeth Local Plan 2013. Email Print TXRef. Use it to help collect your family's financial information. MODEL DESIGNATION INFORMATION 115V, 60HZ PART NO. Connections are Rotolock? Use our White-Rodgers selector. Therefore all operating characteristics are the same. Alfred Hammerschmid, Balancing Chemical Equations Easy Algebraic Method, Application Note RMF Magic 5.1.0: EMC Array Group and EMC SRDF/A Reporting. 02-2497-01 Clip 38. 4. The dehumidifier has a sticker on it that says it runs 6.25 ounces of R22, and the system is 7.3 amps. but it won t hurt much! EVAPORATOR COILS CONDENSING UNITS 1/2 Through 80 HP COMPLETE REFRIGERATION PACKAGES AIR DEFROST ELECTRIC DEFROST HOT GAS DEFROST Ceiling Temp Low Height Unit Coolers SW Series Literature No. By partnering with Americold, you can pay more attention to your customers, exceeding their expectations, and growing your business. Medium +20 F High 8. Open navigation menu Close suggestionsSearchSearch enChange Language close menu Language English(selected) Espaol Portugus Deutsch Franais Italiano Romn With use, system performance parameters will most likely have changed from initial specifications. Click on a product designation for complete, SERVICE GUIDELINES HCFC R22 TO HFC REFRIGERANT BLENDS 2009 Tecumseh Products Company. Mobile Climate Control 45 MCC Reference Manual 2014 PN: 89-3069 Rearmount Air Conditioning System Eco RM Capacity, Reliability, and Serviceability MCC Eco RM unit, selected as preferred equipment by leading, Cisco Security Agent (CSA) CSA je v c eelo v s o f t w a r o v n s t r o j, k t er lze p o u t k v ynuc en r zn c h b ezp eno s t n c h p o li t i k. CSA a na lyzuje c h o v n a, Ognann 4 000g v an udn p v n n da70pa v ngna a B S c hp ud a I ng Ec c 8bun ag np c g B L c annab amacc 70d v naz na nn c,chdannunapp un d a nuvam c z da u mnddu an c vabb am magg num d a unz dgnnaz, Agilent E5100A Network Analyzer Data Sheet These specifications are the performance standards or limits against which the instrument is tested. No. COMPRESSORS Cross Reference table. Introduction 14. Cross Reference Cross-Reference Copeland to Copeland Can't Find What You Need? Sanden/UAC R-134A to R-12 Cross-Reference. Compressor ReplacementGuides and Fast ReferencesThis document is not to be used as a drop-in replacementguide. Tecumseh Competitive Cross Ref - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. by | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized %%EOF Emerson (CPC) Systems Controls such as E2 Facility Management System:If you are looking for technical documentation for systems controls products from the Retail Solutions business, click here to visit the technical documentation page. Michael J. Zolidis Chief Engineer Electric Systems February 21, 2006, Pennsylvania College of Technology Program Accreditations/Certifications/Recognitions/Endorsements As of August 2009, ASHRAE Boston Chapter Meeting Designing AC Refrigeration Systems Lessons Learned February 11, 2014, Comparing Air Cooler Ratings Part 1: Not All Rating Methods are Created Equal, A Comparison of an R22 and an R410A Air Conditioner Operating at High Ambient Temperatures, III. Basic, Copeland Scroll ZRK5 Compressor Cross Reference Guide Copeland Single Phase Compressor Models TONNAGE ZRK5 ZRK1 ZRK2 ZRKA ZRKC ZRK3 ZRK4 1.5T ZR16K5-PFV ZR16KA-PFV ZR16KC-PFV ZR16K4-PFV ZR18K5-PFV ZR18K1-PFV, CROSS REFERENCE Cross Reference Index 110-122 Cast ID Number 110-111 Connector ID Number 111 112-122 2015 Ford Motor Company 109 CROSS REFERENCE Cast ID Number Cast ID Ford Service # MC Part # Part Type. Use of compressor cross reference. AMERICOLD REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR RG213-13072 #1024146C *NEW. PRODUCT MANUAL KLIC-DI SKY INTERFACE KNX SKY ZN1CL-KLIC-DI Edition 6 Version 1.5 Index 1. 2d 139 (Ala.Civ.App.1996). The division's manufacturing operations are in Cullman and in Athens. The compact size of these compressors makes them suitable for any type of small application. Size: 48" x 58", Mode. R-22 Replacement Competitor Cross Reference Danfoss Performer Universal Scroll Compressor Product Range Nominal Code No. The cross-reference is offered to use as a tool to help identify potential replacement options based on performance fit. To use this website, you must agree to our, Copeland Scroll ZRK5 Compressor Cross Reference Guide, CROSS REFERENCE. If you have a question or would like to place an order over the phone, contact us toll-free at 800-323-7394. Nina Gullerud ng ulleru@ c is c o. c o m 1 Vr E n t e r p r i s e e r f a r i n g 2 S m o g M e llo m s t o r e B e d r i f t e, Super-Flo Now available with EC Motors High Efficiency / High Reliability Low Profile Unit Cooler Publication No. Mo Uus Lu P F. Surface Mount (SMD) Transistors/Diode FAQ, Using a Balanced Scorecard to Tie the Results Act to Your Day-to-Day Operational Priorities, R407C GUIDELINES FOR UTILIZATION OF. (#430) - (#436) M 86 Metlife $ 2,000,000.00 A.G. #1 (#371), (#610), (#624) M Conseco Life $ 3,125,000.00 10/Apr/10 A.G. #2 (#380), GUIDELINES FOR UTILIZATION OF R407C 2009 Tecumseh Products Company. R-600a - R-134a - Blends - R-290 1) - COMPRESSOR TYPE 1.1) - Static Cooling (S) The compressor does not require fan cooling and must be installed in such as way so as to allow cooling through ambient air, AE21-1319 R6 December 2013 Digital Capacity Control for Copeland Scroll Refrigeration Compressors TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Section Page Safety Safety Instructions2 Safety Icon Explanation2, W Cisco Kompetanse eek end 2 0 0 8 SMB = Store Mu ll ii gg hh eter! The cross-reference is offered as a tool to help identify potential replacement options based on performance. Compressors identification of americold makes it needs to americold compressor cross reference only if transfer of cookies. Z v y o v n k v a l i f i k a c e k o l e n o S t u d e n t s k u n i e U n i v e r z i t y K a r l o v y ( d l e j e n S U U K ) z , Application Note: Cisco A S A - Ce r t if ica t e T o S S L V P N Con n e ct ion P r of il e Overview: T h i s a p p l i ca ti o n n o te e x p l a i n s h o w to co n f i g u r e th e A S A to a cco m, HR DEPARTMENTAL SUFFIX & ORGANIZATION CODES Department Suffix Organization Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, VP AA 1100 Admissions (Undergraduate) AD 1330 Advanced Ceramics, Colorado Center for--ccac, deadline for 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 School Code School of Business & Hospitality Accounting BS (BSA, BAA) and AAS (BA) Business Administration Banking & Finance Concentration (BBF). 23 Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 (continued) CRC * AC-R22 265/60/1 22,190 OEM CRC * AC-R /60/3 21,800 AWG5520EXT CRD * AC-R /60/1 24,000 AWG5524EXN CRD * AC-R /60/3 23,800 AWF5524EXT CRD * AC-R /60/3 23,800 AWF5524EXG CRE * AC-R /60/1 27,800 AWG5528EXN CRE * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,800 OEM CRF * AC-R /60/1 29,800 AWG5530EXN CRF * AC-R22 265/60/1 29,800 OEM CRG * AC-R /60/1 32,700 AVA5535EXN CRG * AC-R /60/3 32,500 AVA5535EXT CRH * AC-R /60/1 34,800 AVA5535EXN CRH * AC-R /60/3 34,500 AVA5535EXT CRH * AC-R /60/3 34,500 AVA5538EXG CRJ * AC-R /60/1 38,000 AVA5538EXN CRJ * AC-R /60/3 37,700 AVA5538EXT CRJ * AC-R /60/3 37,700 AVA5538EXG CRK * AC-R /60/1 42,100 AVA5542EXN CRK * AC-R /60/3 41,600 AVA5542EXT CRK * AC-R /60/3 41,600 AVA5542EXG CRL * AC-R /60/1 47,200 AVA5546EXN CRL * AC-R /60/3 47,200 AVA5546EXT CRL * AC-R /60/3 47,200 AVA5546EXG CRM * AC-R /60/1 53,300 AGA5553EXN CRM * AC-R /60/3 53,500 AGA5553EXT CRM * AC-R /60/3 53,500 AGC5553EXG CRN * AC-R /60/1 62,700 AGA5561EXN CRN * AC-R /60/3 63,300 AGA5561EXT CRN * AC-R /60/3 63,300 AVD5558EXG CRP * AC-R /60/1 58,300 AVD5558EXN CRP * AC-R /60/3 58,600 AVD5558EXT CRP * AC-R /60/3 58,600 AVD5558EXG CRT * AC-R /60/1 55,300 AVD5558EXN CRT * AC-R /60/3 55,500 AVD5558EXT CRT * AC-R /60/3 55,500 AVD5558EXG CRZ * AC-R /60/1 16,500 AJA5517EXD CRZ * AC-R22 265/60/1 16,500 AJA5518EXV CTH * AC-R /60/1 34,520 AVA5535EXN CTH * AC-R /60/3 34,270 AVA5535EXT CTL * AC-R /60/1 48,840 AVA5546EXN CTL * AC-R /60/3 48,240 AVA5546EXT CTM * AC-R /60/1 55,000 AGA5553EXN CTM * AC-R /60/3 54,000 AGA5553EXT CTN * AC-R /60/1 61,850 AGA5561EXN CTN * AC-R /60/3 62,100 AGA5561EXT JRC * AC-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA JRE * AC-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA JRE * AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5470EXA JRE * AC-R /60/ NA * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. Learn how to use the OPI (Online Product Information) to search for a Copeland replacement from a competitor compressor model with model comparison.To learn . 2. DQ group for DQS mode. NOTE: Cross reference comparisons do not imply that all products compared are exact in reference to form, . ft. Capacity 3 gal. I can't find anything concerning Americold compressors online -- looks to me like the company went belly-up and didn't leave a history behind them. All rights reserved. Disconnect the dispenser from the power source. 6445-32 Portable Compressor Fluids Air Compressor Cross Reference - Aftermarket Product Names (cont.) Compressor Mount Front Temperature Range 0 to -20F Number of Lids Lid Construction High Density, Foamed-In-Place Insulation w/ Vinyl Gaskets Hinge Type Continuous Composition Insulation Polyurethane Foam Wall Thickness 2-5/16" Capacity 14.1 cu. 23, 24 Copeland Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 (continued) JRE * AC-R22 265/60/ NA JRF * AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5483EXA JRF * AC-R /60/ AKA5483EXD JRG * AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5510EXA JRG * AC-R /60/ AKA5510EXD JRG * AC-R22 265/60/ AKA5510EXV JRH * AC-R22 115/60/1 10,000 AKA5510EXA JRH * AC-R /60/1 10,000 AKA5510EXD JRH * AC-R22 265/60/1 10,000 AKA5510EXV JRL * AC-R22 115/60/1 11,000 AKA5511EXA JRL * AC-R /60/1 11,000 AKA5512EXD JRR * AC-R22 115/60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXA JRR * AC-R /60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXD JRR * AC-R22 265/60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXV JRS * AC-R22 115/60/1 5,250 NA REB * AC-R /60/1 15,220 AJB5515EXD REB * AC-R22 265/60/1 15,220 AJB5515EXV REK * AC-R /60/1 13,410 AJB5515EXD REK * AC-R22 265/60/1 13,410 AJB5515EXV REK * AC-R /60/3 13,420 NA REK * AC-R /60/3 13,420 NA RES * AC-R22 265/60/1 16,830 AJA5518EXV RES * AC-R /60/1 16,830 AJA5517EXD REW * AC-R22 115/60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXA REY * AC-R /60/1 18,300 AJC5519EXD REY * AC-R22 265/60/1 18,300 AJA5518EXV REY * AC-R /60/3 18,200 NA REZ * AC-R /60/1 12,300 AKA5512EXD RRF * AC-R22 115/60/1 10,500 AKA5510EXA RRG * AC-R /60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXD RRH * AC-R /60/1 15,500 AJB5515EXD RRJ * AC-R /60/1 18,300 AJC5519EXD RRK * AC-R /60/1 13,500 AJB5515EXD RRL * AC-R /60/1 19,200 AJC5519EXD SEC * AC-R /60/1 23,765 AWG5524EXN SEC * AC-R /60/3 23,765 AWF5524EXT SEC * AC-R /60/3 23,765 AWF5524EXG SED * AC-R /60/1 27,355 AWG5528EXN SED * AC-R22 265/60/1 27,355 OEM SEH * AC-R /60/1 25,220 AWG5524EXN SEH * AC-R /60/3 25,220 AWF5524EXT SEH * AC-R /60/3 25,220 AWF5524EXG SEJ* AC-R /60/1 28,615 AWG5528EXN SEJ * AC-R22 265/60/1 28,615 OEM SEK * AC-R /60/1 30,555 AWG5530EXN SEK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXT SEK * AC-R /60/3 30,555 AWF5530EXG SEM * AC-R /60/1 32,980 AVA5535EXN SEM * AC-R /60/3 32,980 AVA5535EXT SEN * AC-R /60/1 17,650 AWG5519EXN SEP * AC-R /60/1 21,340 NA * Denotes number in Copeland model designation not significant in determining replacement. E H (Sc Dcc Py) w -cd S, P Rv (N C Py) F Dy S d A Jh (Th F Py) Scd Dy S. Th g c c 5 Fby, wh Pd f h Rbc S N d P f h f fwg h c 212. Mouse over to Zoom-Click to enlarge. We would need your contact information to respond quickly. Embraco models of quotation for lg cross reference and tell us through the delivery to get good . References sorted by cc COMPRESSORS EMBRACO L45PX L57PX L76TX L88TY P12TY P14TY X18TY 22 S26TY S34TY B5128A B5144A B6160A NE6170A NE6187A T6185A T6213A J6220A J6226A COMPRESSORS DANFOSS L45PX L57PX L76TX L88TY P12TY P14TY X18TY 22 S26TY S34TY TL4B rsir FR6B rsir Efficientinformation logistics. (+)Copeland or Tecumseh BTU ratings may have been adjusted to reflect similar test conditions. 2005 047 May 10, 2005, OUTDOOR UNIT MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE (single phase) ACCESSORIES PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE, Visa Smart Debit/Credit Certificate Authority Public Keys, Service Instruction. Elements Description 6 3. SD 7H15HD. Copeland-scroll-zrk5-compressor-cross-reference-guide-en-2716028.pdf - Code Phaseolts P 1223 P 125 T5 3223 T 34 TE 355 T 33 Copeland Scroll ZRK5 Compressor Cross Reference Guide Single Phase 1.5 Ton TONNAGE ZRK5 Bristol Tecumseh Carlyle LG Danfoss 1.5T DQ group for DQS mode. Scope 15. Digital, x8/x9 x16/x18 x32/x36 x5 (Note 2) DQ group for VCCD_PLL7 L29 H25 VCCA_PLL7 M29 H26 GNDA_PLL7 K29 F26 GNDA_PLL7 K30 G26 B2 VREFB2N0 FPLL7CLKp INPUT C39 D30 B2 VREFB2N0 FPLL7CLKn INPUT C38 D29 B2 VREFB2N0. Helping our customers, such as Whole Foods, Sysco, and Americold, to improve their sustainability, increase resiliency, and better maintain and protect food along its journey is our mission. Compressors for Refrigeration > Hermetic > Americold > Low Temp, R134a, RG Series. CROSS REFERENCE MBRACO X MARKET EMBRACO FOR INDIA RefrigerantCompressor EMIS30HHR / EMT28HLPEMI45HHR / EMT32HLPEMT36HLPEMT50HNPEMI55HER / EMT40HLPEMI55HEREMYS60HEPEMT55HLR BTU/h 270 / 283 EMERSON Compressor BTU/hTECUMSEH Compressor THK1330YCF R134aLBP R404aLBP 348 369425460460495549 EMU70HLC 563 Try COMPASS Find your best Danfoss alternative for compressor replacement by trying COMPASS from the link below. If all answers are YES, you now have a replacement opportunity! (+)Copeland or Tecumseh BTU ratings may have been adjusted to reflect similar test conditions. Roof Mount AC Mobile Climate Control 19 MCC Reference Manual 2014, ARMSTRONG AIR HEAT PUMPS, 2004 Standard For Performance Rating Of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors And Compressor Units, Department Summary. -Reciprocating, m Future of learning Zehn J a hr e N et A c a d ei n E r f o l g s p r o g r a m Cisco E x p o 2 0 0 7 2 6. any help please would be great. The unit is . Help? We write the "electron configuration". For redox equations, the methods, Application Note RMF Magic 5.1.0: EMC Array Group and EMC SRDF/A Reporting July 2009 Summary: This Application Note describes the new functionality in RMF Magic 5.1 that enables more effective monitoring. I would think that if the compressor replacement just had tubes it may be possible to resolder the old fittings to . SD 7V16. Page 12: General Operations Information Condensing unit with sound insulated weatherproof housing for outdoor installation. Control Categories 15. COMPRESSORS / SANDEN CROSS-REFERENCE Rev. Failure to do so may result in misapplication requiring immediate or subsequent additional compressor replacement. Terje Rising General Manager, CODES FOR PHARMACY ONLINE CLAIMS PROCESSING, CHP Plant based on a Hybrid Biomass and Solar System of the Next Generation EU project No. Md Co P Pa Tc. General Requirements 15. Multi-flow design prevents component wear and tear by reducing system head pressures and engine fan run time. ENER/FP7/249800/"SUNSTORE 4" Dipl.-Ing. Sump holds extra oil in compressor you purchase. R414b is out drop-in replacement not requiring system. Search White-Rodgers DQ group for DQS mode F1508 & F1020 F1508 & F1020, ECM Motors Manufactured By Regal Beloit. Available with screw or solder terminal. Location of Betting Shops, Pawnbrokers and Money Lenders in Lambeth, Extruded Body Cylinders, ISO 6431, ISO 15552 compliant Series 62, S e w i n g m a c h i n e s for but t - seams. Tecumseh, Copeland, Compressor, Cross, Reference, P12FW, Compressor, R-12, 1/3HP, 230V, HMBP, ACC-ELECTROLUX, CUBIGEL/HUAYI,Tecumseh, competitive, cross, RG211-12, RG211, 1/4 hp , 1150 BTU, R134a,1.29 FLA, 12.0 LRA, 220v . Air Cond +49 F Normal 9. LG Scrolls with solid copper stubs and . be retained in a convenient location for future reference. Cross Reference: Alliance-Copeland: R410-A Scroll Compressors 208-230Volt 1ph R-410 Size COM # Description P/N Copeland Model Description 2 TON COM09574 2 TON SWEAT SCROLL COM10608 ZP25K5E-PFV-830 2 TON SWEAT SCROLL 2.5 TON COM10032 2.5 TON SWEAT SCROLL COM10612 ZP31K5E-PFV-830 2.5 TON SWEAT SCROLL All data and information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Future Trends in Airline Pricing, Yield Management, &AncillaryFees March 13, 2013 THE OPPORTUNITY IS NOW FOR CORPORATE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT BUT FIRST: YOU HAVE TO KNOCK DOWN BARRIERS! Enter Model/Item Number below: New Search. CARRIER REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT AND PARTS, Tuesday, 20th October, 2015. Read More. Introduction 1 Selected A2 Uses in Lambeth 2 Betting Shops. Draft Lambeth Local Plan 2013 Location of Betting Shops, Pawnbrokers and Money Lenders in Lambeth April 2013 Contents Page No. 0000 4 Clip, Spring 96285 $ 35,875,791 . Compressor Start Relay: Refer to FIG. With use, system performance parameters will most likely have changed from initial specifications. I found they are also long gone and have tried to cross this with no luck, Can someone please tell me a manufactuer who has a replacement compressor for my reclaimer? 2005 047 May 10, 2005 SYMBOL CONVERSION LONG-TERM EQUITY OPTIONS EXPIRING IN JANUARY Bourse de Montral Inc. (the Bourse) and Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC) hereby, TIPO A - TYPE A TIPO B - TYPE B TIPO C - TYPE C TIPO BE - TYPE BE TIPO E - TYPE E TIPO AA - TYPE AA TIPO L - TYPE L TIPO F - TYPE F TIPO BT - TYPE BT TIPO BK - TYPE BK 1 TIPO N - TYPE N TIPO W- TYPE W, OUTDOOR UNIT MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE (single phase) Digit Position: 1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Example Part Number: N 4 A 3 18 A K B 1 0 0 Product Family 4 = R 410A REFRIGERANT A = Air Conditioner. Alfred Hammerschmid BIOS BIOENERGIESYSTEME GmbH, Austria TEL. Any help please would be great . Where to Buy Locate a local HVAC distributor, HVAC contractor or retail partner to purchase our products. Der Bologna- P roz es s u nd d i e S t aat s ex am Stefan Bienefeld i na Service-St el l e B o l o g n a d er H R K Sem in a r D er B o l o g n a P ro z es s U m s et z u n g u n d M it g es t a l t u, CHEM 10113, Quiz 2 September 7, 2011 Name (please print) All answers must use the correct number of significant figures, and must show units! Compressors for Refrigeration Hermetic Semi-Hermetic Compressors OPEN OPEN SCREW Parts Scroll Refrigerants and Lubricants Lubricant Refrigerant Piping Tubing Fitting Insulation Polypropylene Venting System Support Hardware Roof Penetrations Tube Shroud, Plastiduct Flexible Gas System Ice Machines and Refrigerated Food Service Ice Machines & Parts gh f fd 213 P cvd f h f y f h g 4 Fby 213. Our distributors stock competitive replacement compressors for MILLIONS of R-410A and R-22 installations, including: Copeland Scroll Compressors in single and tandem models. COMPASS is a software program that helps you to find the best Danfoss alternative for compressors for replacement. White-Rodgers Flow Controls Service Parts Access product information with our powerful cross reference for OEM, competitive or White-Rodgers products. This is most commonly done on low voltage capacitors by shorting across the terminals with a screwdriver. Mounting and tubing connections are likely to differ from original installation. Group Reserve (In If Bidding For, State "YES" EMD Submitted (In AA Hydraulic Pump Cap: 100 gpm. The cross-reference is offered to use as a tool to help identify potential replacement options based on performance fit. For centrifugal compressors, an ISO 22 or 32 fluid is recomended. after May 1995. Hover to zoom. 15 1. Contact Americold, we are open for any service 24/7. The following, S FOR PHARMACY ONLINE CLAIMS PROCESSING The following is a list of error and warning codes that may appear when processing claims on the online system. Embraco Toolbox Application (cross-reference Embraco x Market) The Embraco Toolbox is an application which facilitates the life of refrigeration professionals. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 25, A LOOK AT SERVICE SAFETY 2 MODEL AND APPLICATION INFORMATION I. Table of Contents, E. OZCEYLAN /International Journal of Lean Thinking Volume 1, Issue 1 (June 2010), Midea Commercial Air Conditioner Malfunction Handbook. March 13, 2013, Victims Compensation Claim Status of All Pending Claims and Claims Decided Within the Last Three Years, Acceptance Page 2. July 2009, Cylinders Series 40. Introduction 3 2. 3, 4 ACC ELECTROLUX ACC Electrolux App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R134a GLY35AAa LT-R134a /60/1 371 N/A GLY40ADa LT-R134a 115/60/1 425 N/A GLY40AAa LT-R134a /60/1 425 N/A GLY50ADa LT-R134a 115/60/1 547 AEA1360YXA HT-R134a GLY60RAa HT-R134a /60/ N/A GLY80RAa HT-R134a /60/ N/A GLY90RAa HT-R134a /60/ AEA4440YXD GPY12RAa HT-R134a /60/ N/A GPY12RDa HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4448YXA AMERICOLD BW & HUPP Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R12 AF033 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2413AXA AF044 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2410AXA AF045 LT-R12 115/60/1 923 AEA1410AXA AYL25 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2410AXA AYL33 LT-R12 115/60/1 SPECIAL N/A CL25 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA CL33 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2415AAB EL100 LT-R /60/1 SPECIAL N/A EL50 LT-R /60/ N/A EL75 LT-R /60/ AHA2435AXD EYL100 LT-R12 115/60/1 SPECIAL N/A L209 LT-R /60/ N/A L25 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA L33 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2415AAB ML064 LT-R12 115/60/1 640 AEA1360AXA ML080 LT-R12 115/60/1 800 AEA1380AXA ML090 LT-R12 115/60/1 900 AEA1410AXA ML38 LT-R12 115/60/1 380 AEA1336AXA ML52 LT-R12 115/60/1 520 AEA1360AXA SE305-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 592 AEA1360AXA SE306-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 656 AEA1360AXA SE LT-R /60/1 638 N/A SE307-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 790 AEA1380AXA SE LT-R /60/1 687 N/A SE308-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 899 AEA1410AXA SE309-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 950 AEA1410AXA SE312-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2413AXA SE407-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 790 AEA1380AXA SE LT-R /60/1 687 N/A SE408-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 899 AEA1410AXA SE409-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 950 AEA1410AXA SE LT-R /60/1 896 N/A 4, 5 Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R12 (continued) SE411-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1410AXA SE412-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2413AXA SEC LT-R /60/ N/A SF107-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 778 AEA1380AXA SF108-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 863 AEA1380AXA SF109-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 948 AEA2410AXA SF207-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 778 AEA1380AXA SF208-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 863 AEA1380AXA SF LT-R /60/ N/A SF LT-R /60/ N/A SF213-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA SFC213-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2413AXA SG107-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 775 AEA1380AXA SG108-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 863 AEA1380AXA SG109-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 930 AEA1410AXA SG111-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1410AXA SG112-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA SG113-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA SG207-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 775 AEA1380AXA SG208-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 863 AEA1380AXA SG209-1 LT-R12 115/60/1 930 AEA1410AXA SG211-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1410AXA SG212-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA SG213-1 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA LT-R134a GD24AD LT-R134a 115/60/1 192 N/A GD36AF LT-R134a /60/1 319 N/A GD40AF LT-R134a /60/1 363 N/A GL40AF LT-R134a N/A GL40AS LT-R134a 115/60/1 382 N/A GL45AD LT-R134a 115/60/1 446 N/A GL45AF LT-R134a /60/1 446 N/A GL45AN LT-R134a /60/1 446 N/A GL45AS LT-R134a 115/60/1 446 N/A GL60AD LT-R134a 115/60/1 617 AEA1360YXA GL60AF LT-R134a /60/1 617 N/A GL60AN LT-R134a /60/1 617 N/A GL60AS LT-R134a 115/60/1 617 AEA1360YXA GL60BK LT-R134a 115/60/1 617 AEA1360YXA, OIL COOLER GL60BN LT-R134a /60/1 617 N/A, OIL COOLER GL70AD LT-R134a 115/60/1 688 N/A GL70AN LT-R134a /60/1 688 N/A, OIL COOLER GL80AD LT-R134a 115/60/1 804 TPA1380YXA GL80AN LT-R134a /60/1 804 N/A GL80AS LT-R134a 115/60/1 804 TPA1380YXA GL80BK LT-R134a 115/60/1 804 TPA1380YXA GL80BN LT-R134a /60/1 804 N/A GL90AN LT-R134a /60/1 891 N/A GL90AN-BK LT-R134a 115/60/1 891 TPA1390YXA, OIL COOLER GL99AD LT-R134a 115/60/1 950 AEA2410YXA, TPA1410YXA GL99BL-EL LT-R134a /60/1 950 N/A, OIL COOLER GP14FE LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA 5, 6 Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R134a (continued) GP16FE LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA GRG105-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 580 AEA1360YXA GRG106-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 670 AEA1360YXA GRG107-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 740 TPA1380YXA GRG108-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 840 TPA1380YXA GRG109-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 970 TPA1390YXA GRG205-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 580 AEA1360YXA, OIL COOLER GRG206-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 670 AEA1360YXA GRG207-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 740 TPA1380YXA GRG208-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 840 TPA1380YXA GRG209-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 970 TPA1390YXA GRH104-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 475 N/A GRH105-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 590 AEA1360YXA GRH106-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 675 AEA1360YXA GRH107-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 770 TPA1380YXA GRH108-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 880 TPA1380YXA GRH109-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 990 TPA1390YXA GRH110-1 LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2410YXA, TP1410YXA RF107-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 740 TPA1380YXA RF108-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 858 TPA1380YXA RG107-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 730 TPA1380YXA RG108-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 845 TPA1380YXA RG109-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 910 TPA1390YXA RG111-1 LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2410YXA, TPA1410YXA RG113-1 LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA RG211-1 LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2410YXA, TPA1410YXA RG213-1 LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA RH106-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 674 AEA1360YXA RH107-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 730 TPA1380YXA RH108-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 840 TPA1380YXA RH109-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 980 AEA2410YXA, TPA1410YXA RH110-1 LT-R134a 115/60/1 990 AEA2410YXA, TPA1410YXA LT-R22 CL25A LT-R22 115/60/ AEA1411EXA CL33A LT-R22 115/60/ N/A L50A LT-R22 115/60/1; /60/1 SPECIAL N/A OSG107-1 LT-R22 115/60/1 766 AEA0415EXA OSG207-1 LT-R22 115/60/1 766 AEA0415EXA, OIL COOLER OSG212-1 LT-R22 115/60/ AKA9428EXA LT-R404A HP310-1 LT-R404A 115/60/ AEA2410ZXA HP317-1 LT-R404A 115/60/ N/A HP321-1 LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2419ZXA HP327-1 LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2425ZXA MP12FG LT-R404A /60/ N/A MP14FG LT-R404A /60/ AJA2525ZXD MT-R12 AYCM33 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A AYM33 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A AYM50 MT-R12 115/60/1 SPECIAL N/A CM25 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A CM33 MT-R12 115/60/ AKA9434AXA 6, 7 Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model MT-R12 (continued) EM75 MT-R /60/ N/A EYM150 MT-R /60/ AHB7511AXD M25 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A M33 MT-R12 115/60/ AKA9434AXA MT-R134a GD30ME MT-R134a 115/60/1 613 AZA0370YXA GD36ME MT-R134a 115/60/1 672 AZA0370YXA GD40ME MT-R134a 115/60/1 804 N/A GL45PE MT-R134a 115/60/1 913 AZA0395YXA GL60PE MT-R134a 115/60/ N/A GL80PE MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXA GL80TG MT-R134a /60/ N/A GL90PE MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3430YXA GL90TE MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4430YXA GL90TG MT-R134a /60/ N/A GP12PE MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3440YXA GP12TE MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA GP12TG MT-R134a /60/ N/A GP14PE - TE MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4448YXA GP14TG MT-R134a /60/ N/A GR18TG MT-R134a /60/ AKA4460YXD GR22TG MT-R134a /60/ AKA4476YXD RSH320-1 MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3417YXA RSH327-1 MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXA RSH333-1 MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4430YXA RSH342-1 MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA RSH345-1 MT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA MT-R404A ML60TG MT-R404A 115/60/ AEA9422ZXA ML90TG MT-R404A 115/60/ N/A MR22TG MT-R404A 115/60/ N/A MS26TG MT-R404A 115/60/ N/A CT-R22 L40TN CT-R /60/ N/A L45TN CT-R /60/ N/A L57TN CT-R /60/ N/A L76TN CT-R /60/ N/A L88TN CT-R /60/ AKA9428EXD OSH127-1 CT-R22 115/60/ AEA9415EXA OSH135-1 CT-R22 115/60/ N/A OSH146-1 CT-R22 115/60/ AKA9428EXA OSH153-1 CT-R22 115/60/ AKA9428EXA OSH167-1 CT-R22 115/60/ AKA9442EXA P12TN CT-R /60/ N/A S18TN CT-R /60/ AKA9455EXD S26TN CT-R /60/ AJA9484EXD SM232-1 CT-R22 115/60/ AKA9428EXA SM235-1 CT-R22 115/60/ N/A SM238-1 CT-R22 115/60/ AKA9442EXA HT-R12 AH150 HT-R12 SPECIAL N/A AYCH25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3430AXA 7, 8 Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model HT-R12 (continued) AYCH33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXA AYH25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3430AXA AYH33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXA AYH45 HT-R12 SPECIAL N/A AYH50 HT-R /60/ AJA4461AXD CH16V HT-R12 115/60/ N/A CH20V HT-R12 115/60/ N/A CH25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3430AXA CH25V HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4430AXA CH33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXA EH100 HT-R /60/ AJA4512AXD EH75 HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXD EYH100 HT-R /60/ N/A EYH150 HT-R /60/ AHA4518AXD EYH150 HT-R /60/ AHA4518AXF EYH200 HT-R /60/ AHA4525AXD EYH200 HT-R /60/ AHA4525AXF EYH300 HT-R N/A EYH300 HT-R /60/ N/A H25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4430AXA H33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXA H45 HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXA H50 HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXA MH120 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3414AXA MH140 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3414AXA MH170 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3417AXA MH260 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXA MH310 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4430AXA YCH25V HT-R12 115/60/ N/A YH25V HT-R12 115/60/ N/A HT-R134a RSH115-1 HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3414YXXA RSH120-1 HT-R134a 115/60/ N/A RSH127-1 HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXA RSH133-1 HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3430YXA, AEA4430YXA RSH142-1 HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3440YXA, AEA4440YXA RSH145-1 HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4448YXA AC-R22 B AC - R /60/3 124,000 N/A B AC - R22 460/60/3 124,000 N/A B904-3 AC - R /60/3 90,400 N/A B904-5 AC - R22 460/60/3 90,400 N/A R190-9 AC - R /60/1 19,000 AJC5519EXD S220-9 AC - R /60/1 22,000 AWG5524EXN S245-9 AC - R /60/1 24,500 AWG5524EXN S282-9 AC - R /60/1 28,200 AWG5528EXN S315-9 AC - R /60/1 31,500 AWG5530EXN Y400-3 AC - R /60/3 40,000 AVA5538EXT Y400-5 AC - R22 460/60/3 40,000 AVA5538EXG Y400-9 AC - R /60/1 40,000 AVA5538EXN Y460-3 AC - R /60/3 46,000 AVA5546EXT Y460-5 AC - R22 460/60/3 46,000 AVA5546EXG 8, 9 Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 (continued) Y460-9 AC - R /60/1 46,000 AVA5546EXN Y510-3 AC - R /60/3 51,000 AGA5553EXT Y510-5 AC - R22 460/60/3 51,000 AGC5553EXG Y510-9 AC - R /60/1 51,000 AGA5553EXN Y625-3 AC - R /60/3 62,500 AGA5561EXT Y625-5 AC - R22 460/60/3 62,500 AGC5561EXG Y625-9 AC - R /60/1 62,500 AGA5561EXN LT-R12 BAF033 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2415AABXC BML12 LT-R12 115/60/1 410 AEA1336AXAXA BML16 LT-R12 115/60/1 560 AEA1360AXAXA BML20 LT-R12 115/60/1 740 N/A BML25 LT-R12 115/60/1 925 AEA2410AXAXC BRAC33 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2415AABXC BRJL25 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2410AXAXC BRJL50 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2415AABXC BRJL50 LT-R /60/ N/A MT-R12 BAF033 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A BRAOC33 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A BRRM50 MT-R12 115/60/ AJA7441AXAXC BRRM50 MT-R /60/ AJA7441AXDXC BRRM75 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A BRRM75 MT-R /60/ N/A BRSM100 MT-R /60/ AHA7480AXDXC BRSM100 MT-R /60/ AHA7480AXFXC BRYM150 MT-R /60/1 13,200 AHA7514AXDXC BRYM150 MT-R /60/3 13,200 N/A BRYM151 MT-R /60/1 13,000 AHA7514AXDXC BRYM151 MT-R /60/3 13,000 N/A HT-R12 BMH16 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3414AXAXA BMH19 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3417AXAXA BMH20 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXAXA BMH25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXAXA BRJH33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXAXB,C BRJH50 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4448AXAXC BRJH50 HT-R /60/ N/A BRMHC25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXAXA BRRH100 HT-R /60/1 11,000 AJA4512AXDXC BRRH101 HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXDXC BRRH75 HT-R12 115/60/ N/A BRRH75 HT-R /60/ N/A BRSH150 HT-R12 230/60/1 15,900 N/A BRSH151 HT-R12 230/60/1 15,700 N/A BRYH200 HT-R /60/1 25,000 N/A BRYH200 HT-R /60/3 25,000 N/A BRYH300 HT-R12 230/60/1 33,700 N/A BRYH300 HT-R /60/3 33,700 N/A LT-R12 BCL25 LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2410AXAXC BCL33A LT-R12 115/60/1 1/3 AEA2415AABXC 9, 10 Americold BW & Hupp App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R12 (continued) BCL50A LT-R12 115/60/ AJA2425AXAXC BCL75T LT-R /60/1 3/4 AHA2435AXDXC BRL100T LT-R /60/1 1 AHA2445AXDXC BRL100T LT-R /60/3 1 N/A BRL101T LT-R /60/1 1 AHA2445AXDXC BRL150TA LT-R /60/1 1 1/2 AHA2466AXDXC BRL33 LT-R12 115/60/1 1/3 AEA2415AABXC BRL50A LT-R12 115/60/ AJA2425AXAXC BRL50A LT-R /60/ AJA2425AXDXC BRL50T LT-R12 115/60/ AJA2425AXAXC BRL75T LT-R /60/1 3/4 AHA2435AXDXC BWRL100TA LT-R /60/ N/A OCL33 LT-R12 115/60/1 1/3 AEA2415AABXC OCL33A LT-R12 115/60/1 1/3 AEA2415AABXC MT-R12 BCM25 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A BWRH33 MT-R12 115/60/ N/A BWRH75T MT-R12 115/60/ AJA7465AXAXW BWRH75T MT-R /60/ AJA7465AXDXW HT-R12 BCH100T HT-R /60/1 12,000 AJA4512AXDXC BCH25 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4430AXAXC BCH33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXAXC BCH50 HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXAXC BCH75T HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4492AXAXC BCH75T HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXDXC BRH100T HT-R /60/1 12,000 AJA4512AXDXC BRH100T HT-R /60/3 12,000 N/A BRH45 HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXAXC BRH50 HT-R /60/ AJA4461AXDXC BRH75A HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4492AXAXC BRH75A HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXDXC BRH75T HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4492AXAXC BRH75T HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXDXC BWRH100T HT-R /60/1 12,000 N/A BWRH100T HT-R /60/3 12,000 N/A BWRH50 HT-R /60/ N/A OCH33 HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXAXC HT-R22 BRH150T HT-R /60/1 18,000 AWG4520EXNXC BRH150T HT-R /60/3 18,000 AWG4520EXTXC BRH150TA HT-R /60/1 18,000 AWG4520EXNXC BRH150TA HT-R /60/3 18,000 AWG4520EXTXC BRH200TA HT-R /60/1 24,000 AWG4524EXNXM BRH200TA HT-R /60/3 24,000 AWG4524EXTXM BWRH150T HT-R /60/1 18,000 N/A BWRH150TA HT-R /60/1 18,000 N/A BWRH150TA HT-R /60/3 18,000 N/A BWRH200TA HT-R /60/1 24,000 N/A BWRH200TA HT-R /60/3 24,000 N/A 10, 11 ASPERA Aspera Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R12 A1055A LT-R12 115/60/1 405 AEA1343AXA A1075A LT-R12 115/60/1 405 AEA1343AXA A1085A LT-R12 115/60/1 405 AEA1343AXA A1111A LT-R12 115/60/1 505 NA A1116A LT-R12 115/60/1 720 AEA1380AXA B1085A LT-R12 115/60/1 405 AEA1343AXA B1112B LT-R12 115/60/1 510 NA B1116B LT-R12 115/60/1 720 AEA1380AXA B1118B LT-R12 115/60/1 800 AEA1380AXA B3118B LT-R12 115/60/1 800 AEA1380AXA E3118A LT-R12 115/60/1 800 AEA1380AXA E3121A LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1410AXA E3130A LT-R12 115/60/ AEA1413AXA E4121A LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2410AXA E4130A LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2413AXA J2152A LT-R12 115/60/ AJA2425AXA T2134A LT-R12 115/60/ AEA2415AAB T4134A LT-R12 115/60/ AJA2416AXA LT-R134a B1090Z LT-R134a /60/1 349 NA B1112Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 552 NA B1112Z LT-R134a /60/1 464 NA B1113Z LT-R134a /60/1 484 NA B1116Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 734 AEA1360YXA B1116Z LT-R134a /60/1 623 NA B1117Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 635 NA B1118Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 805 AEA1360YXA B1118Z LT-R134a /60/1 694 NA B2116Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 734 AEA1360YXA BP1058Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 277 NA BP1072Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 369 NA BP1084Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 409 NA BP1111Z LT-R134a 115/60/1 504 NA E1121Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2410YXA E1130Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA E2121Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2410YXA E2130Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA E3121Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2410YXA E3130Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2413YXA J2152Z LT-R134a 115/60/ NA J2152ZX LT-R134a 460/60/ NA J2170ZX LT-R134a 460/60/ NA T1134Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2415AAB T2134Z LT-R134a 115/60/ AEA2415AAB LT-R404A E2125GK LT-R404A 115/60/ AEA2411ZXA E2134GK LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2419ZXA J2192GK LT-R404A /60/ AWA2450ZXD J2192GS LT-R404A 460/60/ NA J2212GK LT-R404A /60/ AWA2460ZXD 11, 12 Aspera Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R404A (continued) J2212GS LT-R404A 460/60/ NA T2140GK LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2419ZXA T2155GK LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2425ZXA T2155GK LT-R404A /60/ AJA2425ZXD T2168GK LT-R404A 115/60/ AJB2433ZXA T2168GK LT-R404A /60/ AJB2433ZXD T2178GK LT-R404A 115/60/ AWA2440ZXD T2178GK LT-R404A /60/ AWA2440ZXD T2180GK LT-R404A 115/60/ NA T2180GK LT-R404A /60/ AWA2440ZXD HT-R12 A5132A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3414AXA A5144A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3417AXA A5160B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXA A5170B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3430AXA A6070A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4430AXA B5125A HT-R12 115/60/ NA B5128A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3414AXA B5132A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3414AXA B5144A HT-R12 115/60/ NA B5160B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXA E5170B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3430AXA E5187B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3440AXA E6170B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4430AXA E6187B HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXA J6220A HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4492AXA J6220A HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXD J6226A HT-R /60/ AJA4512AXD T6213A HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXA T6215A HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXA HT-R134a B5125Z HT-R134a 115/60/ NA B5128Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3414YXA B5132Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3414YXA B5144Z HT-R134a 115/60/ NA B5160Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXA B5170Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3430YXA B6132Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3414YXA B6144Z HT-R134a 115/60/ NA B6160Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXA B6170Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3430YXA E5170Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3430YXA E5187Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA E6170Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3430YXA E6187Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA E6210Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA J6220Z HT-R134a /60/ AJA4492YXD J6220ZX HT-R134a 460/60/ NA J6226Z HT-R134a /60/ AJA4512YXD J6226ZX HT-R134a 460/60/ NA T5185Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXA T5213Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AKA4460YXA 12, 13 Aspera Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model HT-R134a (continued) T6211Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4448YXA T6213Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AKA4460YXA T6213Z HT-R134a /60/ AKA4460YXD T6215Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AKA4476YXA T6217Z HT-R134a 115/60/ AJA4492YXA HBP-R22 B6215E HBP-R22 115/60/ NA B6152E HBP-R22 115/60/ AEA9415EXA E6195E HBP-R22 115/60/ AEA9422EXA B6210E HBP-R22 115/60/ AKA9428EXA E9213E HBP-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA AC-R22 E7213E AC-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA E9213E AC-R22 115/60/ AEA5460EXA J7225E AC-R /60/1 12,000 AKA5512EXD J7231E AC-R /60/1 14,800 AJB5515EXD J7238E AC-R /60/1 18,300 AJA5517EXD J7240E AC-R /60/1 19,400 AJC5519EXD T7220G AC-R22 115/60/ AKA5510EXA T7223G AC-R22 115/60/1 11,000 AKA5511EXA T7223G AC-R /60/1 11,000 AKA5512EXD T7223G AC-R22 265/60/1 11,000 AKA5512EXV Condensing Units LT-R12 MA1085A LT-R12 115/60/1 480 NA MA1111A LT-R12 115/60/1 560 AEA1360AXAXA MA1116A LT-R12 115/60/1 750 NA ME4121A LT-R12 115/60/ NA ME4121B LT-R12 115/60/ NA ME4121C LT-R12 115/60/ NA MJ2152C LT-R12 115/60/ AJA2425AXAXB MT2134A LT-R12 115/60/ NA MT2134B LT-R12 115/60/ NA MT2134C LT-R12 115/60/ NA LT-R404A ME2125GC LT-R404A 115/60/ AEA2410ZXAXC ME2134GC LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2422ZXAXB,C MT2155GC LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2422ZXAXB,C MT2168GC LT-R404A 115/60/ AJA2429ZXAXA,B MT-R12 MB5132A MT-R12 115/60/1 970 NA MB5144A MT-R12 115/60/ NA MB5160A MT-R12 115/60/ NA ME6170A,B,C MT-R12 115/60/ NA ME6187A,B,C MT-R12 115/60/ NA MJ6220C MT-R12 115/60/ AJA7465AXAXE MJ6220C MT-R /60/ AJA7465AXDXE MJ6226C MT-R /60/ AHA7480AXDXC MT6213A,B,C MT-R12 115/60/ NA MT6215A,B,C MT-R12 115/60/ AJA7441AXAXC 13, 14 Aspera Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model MT-R134a MB5132ZA MT-R134a 115/60/1 970 NA MB5144ZA MT-R134a 115/60/ NA MB5160ZA MT-R134a 115/60/ NA MB6160ZA MT-R134a 115/60/ NA ME6170ZA MT-R134a 115/60/ NA ME6170ZB,C MT-R134a 115/60/ NA ME6187ZA,B,C MT-R134a 115/60/ NA MJ6220ZC MT-R134a /60/ AJA7465YXDXE MJ6226ZC MT-R134a /60/ NA MT6213ZA,B,C MT-R134a 115/60/ AKA7437YXAXC MT6215ZA,B,C MT-R134a 115/60/ AKA7437YXAXC MBP-R22 MB6152A,B,C MBP-R22 115/60/ AEA9417EXAXG ME6195A,B,C MBP-R22 115/60/ AEA9423EXAXA ME6210A,B,C MBP-R22 115/60/ AEA9423EXAXA ME9213A,B,C MBP-R22 115/60/ AKA9433EXAXC HT-R12 MB5132A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3417AXAXA MB5144A HT-R12 115/60/ NA MB5160A HT-R12 115/60/ AEA3425AXAXA ME6170A,B,C HT-R12 115/60/ NA ME6187A,B,C HT-R12 115/60/ AEA4440AXAXB,C MJ6220C HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4492AXAXA MJ6220C HT-R /60/ AJA4492AXDXC MJ6226C HT-R /60/1 11,500 AJA4512AXDXC MT6213A,B,C HT-R12 115/60/ NA MT6215A,B,C HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXAXB,C HT-R134a MB5132ZA HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3417YXAXA MB5144ZA HT-R134a 115/60/ NA MB5160ZA HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXAXA MB6160ZA HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA3425YXAXA ME6170ZA HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4430YXAXA,B,C ME6170ZB,C HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4430YXAXA,B,C ME6187ZA,B,C HT-R134a 115/60/ AEA4440YXAXB,C,L MJ6220ZC HT-R134a /60/ AJA4492YXDXC MJ6226ZC HT-R134a /60/1 11,900 AJA4512YXDXC MT6213ZA,B,C HT-R134a 115/60/ AKA4460YXAXB,C MT6215ZA,B,C HT-R134a 115/60/ AKA4460YXAXB,C HBP-R22 MB6152A,B,C HBP-R22 115/60/ NA ME6195A,B,C HBP-R22 115/60/ NA ME6210A,B,C HBP-R22 115/60/ NA ME9213A,B,C HBP-R22 115/60/ NA 14, 15 BRISTOL Bristol Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LT-R12 L 1 Series L13A642BBCA LT-R /60/ AHA2466AXD L1NB262EBCB LT-R /60/ AJA2425AXD L1NB262EBAB LT-R /60/ AJA2425AXA L1NB352EBAB LT-R /60/ NA L1NB352EBCB LT-R /60/ AHA2435AXD L1NB452EBCB LT-R /60/ AHA2445AXD LT-R502 L 5 Series L51B452BBCB LT-R /60/ AWA2440ZXD L51B452BBCB LT-R /60/ AWA2440ZXD L51B562BBCB LT-R /60/ AWA2440ZXD L51B652BBCA LT-R /60/ AWA2460ZXD L51B752BBCA LT-R /60/ AWA2460ZXD L53A113BBCA LT-R /60/1 10,900 AVA2490ZXN L53A113DBLA LT-R /60/3 10,800 AVA2490ZXT L53A113DBEA LT-R /60/3 10,800 NA L53A183BBCA LT-R /60/1 18,100 NA L53A183DBDA LT-R /60/3 18,000 NA L5NB562EBBB LT-R NA L5NB652BBBA LT-R AWA2460ZXD L5NB752BBBA LT-R AWA2460ZXD LT-R404A / R507 L 6 Series L61B452BBAB LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L61B452BBCB LT-R404A / R /60/ AWA2440ZXD L61B452DBLB LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L61B562BBAB LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L61B562BBCB LT-R404A / R /60/ AWA2450ZXD L61B562DBLB LT-R404A / R /60/ AWA2450ZXT L61B562DBEB LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L61B652BBCA LT-R404A / R /60/ AWA2460ZXD L61B652DBDA LT-R404A / R /60/ AWA2460ZXT L61B652DBEA LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L61B752BBCA LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L61B752DBLA LT-R404A / R /60/ NA L63A113BBCA LT-R404A / R /60/1 10,700 AVA2512ZXN L63A113DBLA LT-R404A / R /60/1 10,800 AVA2512ZXT L63A113DBEA LT-R404A / R /60/3 10,800 AVA2512ZXG L63A183BBCA LT-R404A / R /60/1 18,100 NA L63A183DBDA LT-R404A / R /60/3 18,000 NA L63A183DBEA LT-R404A / R /60/3 18,000 NA MT-R12 M 1 Series M1NB642EBAB MT-R12 115/60/ AJA7465AXA M1NB642EBCB MT-R /60/ AJB7465AXD M1NB802BBCB MT-R /60/ AHA7480AXD MINB922BBCB MT-R /60/ NA M1NB922DBLB MT-R /60/ NA M13A113BBCA MT-R /60/1 11,200 AHB7511AXD M13A113DBLA MT-R /60/3 11,600 AHA7511AXF M13A143BBCA MT-R /60/1 13,810 AHA7514AXD M10A153DBEA MT-R12 460/60/3 16,050 NA M10A163BBCA MT-R /60/1 16,130 NA 15, 16 Bristol Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model LTMT-R12 M 1 Series (continued) M13A163BBCA MT-R /60/1 16,130 NA M13A163BBCA MT-R /60/1 16,130 NA M10A163DBLA MT-R /60/3 16,050 NA M13A163DBLA MT-R /60/3 16,050 NA MT-R502 M 5 Series M50B103BBCA MT-R /60/1 10,600 NA M50B163BBBA MT-R /60/1 15,745 AWA7515ZXD M50A273BBCA MT-R /60/1 26,650 AVA7524ZXN M50A273DBDA MT-R /60/3 26,650 AVA7524ZXT M51B542BBAB MT-R /60/ AKA9455ZXA M51B542BBCB MT-R /60/ AKA9455ZXD M51BB72BBCB MT-R /60/ AKA9462ZXD M51B123BBCA MT-R /60/1 12,100 AWA9490ZXN M51B143BBCA MT-R /60/1 14,740 AWA7512ZXD M51B143DBLA MT-R /60/3 14,300 AWA7512ZXT M51B143DBEA MT-R /60/3 14,300 NA M51B163BBCA MT-R /60/1 16,100 AWA7515ZXD M52B123BBCB MT-R /60/1 12,701 AWA9490ZXN M53A223BBCA MT-R /60/1 22,000 AVA9522ZXN M53A223DBLA MT-R /60/3 22,000 AVA9522ZXT M53A243BBCA MT-R /60/1 24,430 AVA7524ZXN M53A273BBCA MT-R /60/1 26,650 AVA7524ZXN MT-R404A / R507 M 6 Series M61B542BBA MT-R404A/R /60/ AKA9455ZXA M61B542BBC MT-R404A/R /60/ AKA9455ZXD M65B802BBA MT-R404A/R /60/ NA M65B802BBC MT-R404A/R /60/ AWA9490ZXN M65B802DBL MT-R404A/R /60/ NA M65B972BBC MT-R404A/R /60/ AJA7494ZXD M65B133BBC MT-R404A/R /60/1 12,450 AWA7512ZXD M65B163DBL MT-R404A/R /60/1 16,000 AWA7515ZXT M65B163BBC MT-R404A/R /60/1 16,000 AWA7515ZXD M65B163DBE MT-R404A/R /60/3 16,000 NA M65B203BBC MT-R404A/R /60/1 20,000 NA M65B203DBL MT-R404A/R /60/1 20,000 NA M66A243BBC MT-R404A/R /60/1 24,000 AVA7524ZXN M66A243DBD MT-R404A/R /60/3 24,000 AVA7524ZXT M66A243DBE MT-R404A/R /60/3 24,000 NA M66A323BBC MT-R404A/R /60/1 31,000 NA M66A323DBL MT-R404A/R /60/1 31,000 NA M66A323DBE MT-R404A/R /60/3 31,000 NA HT-R12 H 1 Series H10B612EBAB HT-R12 115/60/ AJA4461AXA H10B612EBCB HT-R /60/ AJA4461AXD H10B103BBCB HT-R /60/1 10,000 AJA4492AXD H1OB123BBCA HT-R /60/1 11,950 AJA4512AXD H10B183BBCA HT-R /60/1 17,960 AHA4518AXD H10B253BBCA HT-R /60/1 27,270 AHA4525AXD H10B253BBCA HT-R /60/1 27,270 AHA4525AXD H10B343BBCA HT-R /60/1 35,200 AGA4534AXN H10B393BBCA HT-R /60/1 39,590 AGA4543AXN H1OB393DBLA HT-R /60/3 39,590 AGA4543AXT 16, 17 Bristol Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model HT-R12 H 1 Series (continued) H10B393DBEA HT-R12 460/60/3 39,590 NA H10B113ABAB HT-R12 115/60/1 11,400 NA AC-R22 H 2 Series H2 * * 133 * BCB AC-R /60/1 12,600 AKA5512EXD H2 * * 14 * ABC* AC-R /60/1 14,200 AJB5515EXD H2 * * 15Q * BHB AC-R22 265/60/1 12,500 AKA5512EXV H2 * * 15 * * BCB AC-R /60/1 14,700 AJB5515EXD H2 * * 153 * BHB AC-R22 265/60/1 14,700 AJB5515EXV H2 * * 16 * * BC* AC-R /60/1 16,500 AJA5517EXD H2 * * 17 * * BCB AC-R /60/1 17,200 AJA5517EXD H2 * * 17 * * BHB AC-R22 265/60/1 16,550 AJA5518EXV H2 * * 18Q * BCB AC-R /60/1 18,400 AJC5519EXD H2 * * 18 * * BH* AC-R22 265/60/1 18,000 AJA5519EXV H2 * * 18 * BCA AC-R /60/1 18,000 AWG5519EXN H2 * * 19 * BCA AC-R /60/1 18,900 AWG5519EXN H2 * * 19 * BHB AC-R22 265/60/1 18,200 AJA5518EXV H2 * * 20 * BCA AC-R /60/1 19,500 AWG5519EXN H2 * * 203 * BCB AC-R /60/1 19,500 AJC5519EXD H2 * * 20Q * BC* AC-R /60/1 20,900 AWG4520EXN H2 * * 20 * * BH* AC-R22 265/60/1 20,800 N/A H2 * * 22 * ABC * AC-R /60/1 21,800 AWG5524EXN H2 * * 22 * * BH* AC-R22 265/60/1 23,000 N/A H2 * * 22 * * BL* AC-R22 230/ ,800 AWG5524EXT H2 * * 22 * * BE* AC-R22 460/60/3 22,700 AWF5524EXG H2 * * 243 * BCA AC-R /60/1 23,200 AWG5524EXN H2 * * 24QABHA AC-R22 265/60/1 23,200 NA H2 * * 24 * DBL* AC-R22 230/ ,800 AWG5524EXT H2 * * 24 * DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 23,700 AWF5524EXG H2 * * 26 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 26,100 AWG5528EXN H2 * * 26 * DBL* AC-R22 230/ ,200 AWG5530EXT H2 * * 26 * DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 26,300 AWF5524EXG H2 * * 28 * * BC* AC-R /60/1 27,350 AWG5528EXN H2 * * 28 * DBL* AC-R22 230/ ,000 AWG5530EXT H2 * * 28 * DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 27,800 AWF5530EXG H2 * * 30 * * BCA AC-R /60/1 30,300 AWG5530EXN H2 * * 30 * DBL* AC-R22 230/ ,100 AWF5532EXT H2 * * 30 * DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 29,700 AWF5530EXG H2* *313ABCA AC-R /60/1 31,600 AVA5532EXN H2* *313DBDA AC-R /60/3 31,600 AWF5530EXT H2* *313DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 31,600 AWF5530EXG H2* *32 * * BCA AC-R /60/1 31,700 AVA5532EXN H2 * * 32 * DBL* AC-R22 230/ ,200 AWF5532EXT H2 * * 32 * DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 31,900 AWF5530EXG H2 * * 33 * ABC* AC-R /60/1 32,910 AVA5532EXN H2 * * 33 * DBL* AC-R22 230/ ,100 AVA5535EXT H2 * * 33 * DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 32,800 N/A H2* *343ABCA AC-R /60/1 34,700 AVA5535EXN H2* *343DBDA AC-R /60/3 34,700 AVA5535EXT H2 * * 35 * * BCA AC-R /60/1 34,900 AVA5535EXN H2* *35 * * BLA AC-R /60/3 34,900 AVA5535EXT H2 * * 35 * * BE* AC-R22 460/60/3 34,900 AVA5538EXG H2**37**BCA AC-R /60/1 37,400 AVA5538EXN 17, 18 Bristol Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 H 2 Series (continued) H2 * * 37 * * BDA AC-R /60/3 37,400 AVA5538EXT H2 * * 38 * * BCA AC-R /60/1 37,900 AVA5538EXN H2 * * 38 * * BLA AC-R /60/3 37,900 AVA5538EXT H2 * * 41* * BCA AC-R /60/1 41,200 AVA5542EXN H2 * * 41* * BDA AC-R /60/3 41,200 AVA5542EXT H2 * * 41* * BEA AC-R22 460/60/3 41,200 AVA5542EXG H2 * * 42 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 42,100 AVA5542EXN H2 * * 42 * DBLA AC-R /60/3 42,100 AVA5542EXT H2 * * 46 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 45,600 AVA5546EXN H2* *463DB * A AC-R /60/3 45,600 AVA5546EXT H2 * * 46 * DBLA AC-R /60/3 46,300 AVA5546EXT H2 * * 46 * DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 46,300 AVA5546EXG H2 * * 50 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 49,000 AGA5553EXN H2 * * 54 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 53,400 AGA5553EXN H2 * * 54 * DBLA AC-R /60/3 53,400 AGA5553EXT H2 * * 54 * DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 53,500 AGC5553EXG H2 * * 56 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 55,600 AVB5558EXN H2 * * 56 * DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 55,600 AVD5558EXG H2 * * 58 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 57,100 AVB5558EXN H2 * * 58 * DBLA AC-R /60/3 58,000 AVB5558EXT H2 * * 58 * DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 58,000 AVD5558EXG H2 * * 62 * ABCA AC-R /60/1 60,800 AGA5561EXN H2 * * 62 * DBLA AC-R /60/3 60,800 AGA5561EXT H2 * * 62 * DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 60,800 AGC5561EXG H2 * * 094 DBDE AC-R /60/3 87,700 NA H2 * * 094 * BEE AC-R22 460/60/3 87,700 NA H2 * * 104 * BDE AC-R /60/3 101,800 NA H2 * * 104 * BEE AC-R22 460/60/3 100,300 NA H2 * * 124 * BDE AC-R /60/3 119,400 NA H2 * * 124 * BEE AC-R22 460/60/3 119,400 NA H2 * * 144 * PDF AC-R /60/3 144,100 NA H2 * * 144 * PEF AC-R22 460/60/3 144,100 NA Scroll Compressors AC-R22 H 2 Series H20C233ABCA AC-R /60/1 22,800 AWG5524EXN H20C303ABCA AC-R /60/1 29,800 AWG5530EXN H20C343ABCA AC-R /60/1 33,700 AVA5532EXN H20C343DBYA AC-R /60/3 33,700 AVA5535EXT H20C343DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 33,700 N/A H20C373ABCA AC-R /60/1 36,700 AVA5535EXN H20C373DBYA AC-R /60/3 36,600 AVA5535EXT H20C373DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 36,700 AVA5538EXG H20C403ABCA AC-R /60/1 39,700 AVA5542EXN H20C403DBYA AC-R /60/3 39,600 AVA5542EXT H20C403DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 39,700 AVA5542EXG H20C423ABCA AC-R /60/1 41,700 AVA5542EXN H20C423DBYA AC-R /60/3 41,600 AVA5542EXT H20C423DBEA AC-R22 460/60/3 41,300 AVA5542EXG H20R453ABCA AC-R /60/1 44,600 AVA5546EXN H20R453DBYA AC-R /60/3 44,600 AVA5546EXT H20R453DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 44,600 AVA5546EXG H20R483ABCA AC-R /60/1 47,500 AVB5549EXN 18, 19 Bristol Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R22 H 2 Series (continued) H20R483DBYA AC-R /60/3 47,500 AVB5549EXT H20R483DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 47,500 AVB5549EXG H20R583ABCA AC-R /60/1 57,400 AVB5558EXN H20R583DBYA AC-R /60/3 57,400 AVB5558EXT H20R583DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 57,400 AVD5558EXG H20R603ABCA AC-R /60/1 59,400 AGA5561EXN H20R603DBYA AC-R /60/3 59,400 AGA5561EXT H20R603DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 59,400 AGC5561EXG H20R683ABCA AC-R /60/1 67,400 AGA5568EXN H20R683DBY* AC-R /60/3 67,375 AGA5568EXT H20R683DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 67,375 AGC5568EXG H20R723ABCA AC-R /60/1 71,143 AGA5573EXN H20R723DBY* AC-R /60/3 72,700 AGA5573EXT H20R723DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 72,282 AGA5573EXG H20R753ABCA AC-R /60/1 74,000 AGA5573EXN H20R753DBY* AC-R /60/3 74,800 AGA5573EXT H20R753DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 75,300 AGA5573EXG H20R813DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 81,557 N/A H20R943DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 94,544 N/A H21C263ABC* AC-R /60/1 25,400 AWG5524EXN H21C293ABC* AC-R /60/1 28,700 AWG5528EXN H21C343ABC* AC-R /60/1 33,400 AVA5532EXN H21C383ABC* AC-R /60/1 37,500 AVA5538EXN H21C383DBY* AC-R /60/3 37,441 AVA5538EXT H21C383DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 37,300 AVA5538EXG H21C403ABC* AC-R /60/1 39,700 AVA5542EXN H21C423ABC* AC-R /60/1 41,400 AVA5542EXN H21C423DBY* AC-R /60/3 41,365 AVA5542EXT H21C423DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 41,343 AVA5542EXG H21R453ABC* AC-R /60/1 44,800 AVA5546EXN H21R453DBY* AC-R /60/3 44,057 AVA5546EXT H21R483CBC* AC-R /60/1 48,500 AVB5549EXN H21R483DBY* AC-R /60/3 46,900 AVA5546EXT H21R483DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 47,000 AVA5546EXG H21R513DBY* AC-R /60/3 49,600 AVB5549EXT H21R543ABC* AC-R /60/1 54,100 AGA5553EXN H21R543DBY* AC-R /60/3 53,619 AGA5553EXT H21R543DBE AC-R22 460/60/3 53,619 AGC5553EXG H21R583CBC* AC-R /60/1 57,900 AVB5558EXN H21R583DBY* AC-R /60/3 56,500 AVB5558EXT H21R583DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 56,600 AVD5558EXG H21R603CBC* AC-R /60/1 60,700 AGA5561EXN H21R603DBE* AC-R22 460/60/3 58,400 AVD5558EXG 19, 20 CARLYLE MILLENIUM SCROLL Carlyle Millenium Scroll Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model(s) AC-R22 SCD230AC AC-R /60/1 23,000 AWG5524EXN SCH232AC AC-R22 460/60/3 23,000 AWG5524EXG SCD260HC AC-R /60/1 26,000 AWG5524EXN AWG5528EXN SCD300AC AC-R /60/1 30,000 AWG5528EXN AWG5530EXN SCY302AC AC-R /60/3 30,000 AWF5530EXT AWG5530EXT AWF5532EXT SCY342AC AC-R /60/3 34,000 AWG5530EXT AWF5532EXT AVA5532EXT SCH340AC AC-R /60/1 34,100 AWG5530EXN AWG5532EXN AVA5532EXN SCH342AC AC-R22 460/60/3 34,100 N/A SCD340HC AC-R /60/1 34,300 AWG5532EXN AVA5535EXN SCY342HC AC-R /60/3 34,300 AWF5532EXT AVA5535EXT SCH342HC AC-R22 460/60/3 34,300 N/A SCY372AC AC-R /60/3 37,000 AVA5535EXT AVA5538EXT SCD370AC AC-R /60/1 37,100 AVA5535EXN AVA5538EXN SCH372AC AC-R22 460/60/3 37,100 AVA5538EXG SCD380HC AC-R /60/1 38,400 AVA5535EXN AVA5538EXN SCY382HC AC-R /60/3 38,400 AVA5535EXT AVA5538EXT SCH382HC AC-R22 460/60/3 38,400 AVA5538EXG SCY402AC AC-R /60/3 40,000 AVA5538EXT AVA5542EXT SCH402AC AC-R22 460/60/3 40,000 AVA5538EXG AVA5542EXG SCD400AC AC-R /60/1 40,100 AVA5538EXN AVA5542EXN SCY422AC AC-R /3 42,000 AVA5538EXT AVA5542EXT SCH422AC AC-R22 460/60/3 42,000 AVA5538EXG AVA5542EXG SCD420AC AC-R /60/1 42,100 AVA5538EXN AVA5542EXN AVA5546EXN SCD420HC AC-R /60/1 42,300 AVA5538EXN AVA5542EXN AVA5546EXN SCY422HC AC-R /60/3 42,300 AVA5538EXT AVA5542EXT AVA5546EXT SCD400HC AC-R22 208/ ,400 AVA5538EXN AVA5542EXN AVA5546EXN SCH422HC AC-R22 460/60/3 42,400 AVA5538EXG AVA5542EXG AVA5546EXG SRD450AC AC-R /60/1 45,000 AVA5542EXN AVA5546EXN AVB5549EXN SRY452AC AC-R /60/3 45,000 AVA5542EXT AVA5546EXT AVB5549EXT SRH452AC AC-R22 460/60/3 45,000 AVA5542EXG AVA5546EXG AVB5549EXG SRD450HC AC-R /60/1 45,200 AVA5542EXN AVA5546EXN AVB5549EXN SRY452HC AC-R /60/3 45,200 AVA5542EXT AVA5546EXT AVB5549EXT SRH452HC AC-R22 460/60/3 45,200 AVA5542EXG AVA5546EXG AVB5549EXG SRD480HC AC-R /60/1 48,500 AVA5546EXN AVB5549EXN SRY482HC AC-R /60/3 48,500 AVA5546EXT AVB5549EXT SRH482HC AC-R22 460/60/3 48,500 AVA5546EXG AVB5549EXG SRD510HC AC-R /60/1 51,000 AVA5546EXN AVB5549EXN AGA5553EXN SRY512HC AC-R /60/3 51,200 AVA5546EXT AVB5549EXT AGA5553EXT SRD580HC AC-R /60/1 58,500 AGA5553EXN AVB5558EXN AVA5561EXN SRY582 AC-R /60/3 58,500 AGC5553EXT AVD5558EXT AGC5561EXT SRH582HC AC-R22 460/60/3 58,500 AGC5553EXG AVD5558EXG AGC5561EXG SRD600HC AC-R /60/1 61,300 AGA5561EXN SRY602HC AC-R /60/3 61,300 AGA5561EXT SRH602HC AC-R22 460/60/3 61,300 AGC5561EXG SRY751AC AC /60/3 75,000 AGA5573EXT SRY751AC AC /60/3 75,000 AGA5573EXG 20, 21 CHRYSLER Chrysler Model App-Ref Volt/Hz/Ph Btu/h Tecumseh Model AC-R AC-R /60/1 27,700 AWG5528EXN AC-R /60/1 28,200 AWG5528EXN AC-R /60/3 28,200 AWF5530EXT AC-R22 460/60/3 28,200 AWF5530EXG AC-R /60/1 31,400 AWG5530EXN AC-R /60/1 35,200 AVA5535EXN AC-R22 208/60/3 36,400 AVA5535EXN AC-R22 230/60/3 36,400 AVA5535EXN AC-R /60/3 36,400 AVA5535EXT AC-R22 460/60/3 36,400 AVA5538EXG AC-R /3 36,400 NA AC-R22 208/60/3 39,100 AVA5538EXN AC-R22 230/60/3 39,100 AVA5538EXN AC-R /60/3 39,100 AVA5538EXT AC-R22 220/60/2 44,300 NA AC-R22 460/60/3 44,300 AVA5542EXG AC-R22 550/60/3 44,300 NA AC-R22 220/60/2 56,100 NA AC-R22 460/60/3 56,100 AVD5558EXG AC-R22 550/60/3 56,100 NA AC-R /60/1 61,900 AGA5561EXN AC-R22 220/60/2 87,000 NA AC-R /1 87,000 NA AC-R22 460/60/3 87,000 NA AC-R22 550/60/3 87,000 NA AC-R /60/3 86,400 NA AC-R22 460/60/3 86,400 NA AC-R /60/3 86,400 NA 21. 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