We do not mean for this to be true, and to happen, for if thy do not understand our words, thy must but ask. It had come, of course, in thought form; there was no words spoken., There are many ways of the spirit world reaching the soul and then to man. But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]. And it shall look as though it shall erupt, but not yet. We say unto you, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. After giving guidance to help an individuals health, this question is asked. . Yet your duty was tradesman, that of good will among other men. In some areas they shall come as a rapid thing. And so it has been in this manner. Will California Fall into the Ocean? Yet, ye should know, as I have said before and I say not as I, but we, have said before that the works of Lucifer are great and mighty, but yet, that the works of our Lord, our Father, God, shall be even mightier yet, both on heaven and earth. [Editors note: The spiritual messengers of God have loving provided many suggestions to guide all of us who wish help who may be in need. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. For as we have said before, there would be a thousand years of peace upon this earth, but think thee not of the years as they count them; think thee not. This is the reason we have suggested the purification of thy drinking water, because to cleanse thy soul and to improve thy body and the body shall be the temple of God through the spirit, through the soul, and through these thy should reach to the temple of God. We are now storing dehydrated or freeze-dried foods; is this bad?, May 7, 1971: Thy have other questions. ], I have a little different line of questioning here now, Aka. Do not dwell backward, but forward. In the next three-year period there shall be many upheavals upon thy earth. Most of the words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, that were recorded from 1970 to 1989 are now available for you at amazon.com/author/a.ray.elkins. Here is a another article to the one you just read containing words the spiritual messengers of God spoke in their warnings to those who lived in the valley below the sea Watch the Water., _________________________________________________________________. Hood, of the Cascade Mountains, shall shake and rumble and shall give off quakes in numbers. And we speak of men as three, for without the spirit, the soul, and the man, thy have nothing. This shall be proof to mankind of our coming. For they shall all become one. You should include an emergency kit, a check for cracks on your foundation, and a review of your appliances and wiring to keep them safe. I grew up in Southern Cali and this issue was brought up in school, and i was taught that the Continental plates move north/south, not vertically up & down. Now we should tell you of this. At the present time is not the time to make the change. This time is now. It is your job to carry the message of God. Now is the time of the Cherub. The vessel SUPREME ACE (IMO: 9610391, MMSI: 357147000) is a Vehicles Carrier that was built in 2011 ( 11 Jaar oud ).Chapter 218: Divine King. No. But as a good father, God would pick His hurt child up from his fall and kiss him. The world soon looked on when news services reported it. Thestrike-slipearthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are a result of this plate motion. It's going down. Hopefully, they will help you too. Many names have fell from this list; yet, many names have been added to this Book, that it may be complete. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 20.]. As we have said, for now shall be the time of our Lord, our Father, our God. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. Our permission has been given for one who sits very close to God to talk to thee. Walk thee in the light of God, and by walking in His light, thy shall become as He. And our Father, who has shed many tears, should not shed but one and those tears shall be shed for His children. And as I have said before, and I say not as I, but as we, for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. Then we should say that very soon, almost in the twinkling of an eye, parts of the upper proportion of Europe shall split apart, and the earth there shall change. And how many times have you come from theses caves? Other land shall appear and the isles of California shall appear. And this we should say, for we are not important, only now to God, as all men are important to God. He would like to know if you could place any more reference on the cycle in which the earthquakes will come? Some shall sink back into the sea, and many shall die. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, the first shall be last and the last shall be first.. If you are prepared to these times, you will not worry. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all. June 12, 1970: Now, we have told you before of whence man came. It is to put away your old self, which came to be as a result of a corruptible past and is present in your present, as described in Galatians 6:2. And nothing that is hidden shall not be brought forth unto light. An event of that magnitude would kill millions of people because Los Angeles and other coastal areas would be completely destroyed, which explains why Byron was told, "Many people will perish this day and hell will be enlarged." But remember, it will come a little at a time until the last time. We should say that the completion of the work that shall be done in that area [by] the year of 1998 shall be no more. I have been in the same job for six years. There are also other places in that that is known as the Lake Tahoe region, but it would be wise to be on the higher proportion or higher side of this, that we would say, closer toward Reno, Nevada, or that proportion known as Truckee, California. But first, we should answer a question which has been in all of thy minds. Learn how your comment data is processed. Yes, for a few minutes. Im going to try to explain where the knowledge that I had comes from.. Then do so, and put those things that are needed aside. As an ocean it should flood the universe. As a result, dont be concerned if an earthquake occurs in your area. June 6, 1987: You have other questions, and they are many. Heat, greater temperatures than your earth has ever known shall reach the earth and scorch it. June 19, 1976, the spiritual messengers of God said: Now is the time when your earthquakes that we have spoke about is near at hand. Remember, man may harm your body or even slay you, but no man was ever given the right to harm your soul, or your spirit or your immortal body. If this should ignite, so should your world ignite. Joe Brandt's 1937 Dream Of California Falling Into The Ocean I woke up in the hospital room [] Meranda Devan June 16, 2016 1. Make the preparations. So, thy ask, Could this be his subconscious mind? Nay. And for those who should put their poison in the sea, they should drink of the same. [See The Revelation 8:613. Was he also to use the sand?. This one has asked within her mind of other questions. Now thy have other questions in thy mind. Listen to his counsel, for it shall be wise. Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner. Can you understand this? Survival is not the only thing. And you should say unto us, Why should this happen? And we should say unto you, it is the earths way of cleansing itself. After the waters recede in Genesis, God makes a promise to Noah: Never again will I destroy any living creature. Who sank in the sea? You say unto us, once again, we have spoke unto you as in riddles. We are here to build an army of minds for the birth of our savior who shall rule both heaven and earth for a thousand years, and his peace and his love shall be felt by all who would put their hands and reach to God. Join together as one; build on your earth Gods mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19. There are places in the Yosemite valley. But for their people and for the people of the Lord, our Father as we speak of those who were created in the beginning and who are listed in the Book, these people, as thy would know them, are the children of God. Among his 2021 predictions is a global famine, as well as the zombie apocalypse some people describe as a potentially deadly global famine. Shallow crevasses can form during earthquake-induced landslides, lateral spreads, or from other types of ground failures, but faults do not open up during an earthquake. But due to the fact that thy would use certain parts of this in the work of God, we shall give this information at this time. The stress caused by this movement can result in devastating. We know thy choice shall be to remain where thy are. This is all on this subject at this time., October 9, 1973: New earthquakes shall arise. And you know, youre doing a pretty good job. Many earth changes shall occur. ], And as soul Bartholomew did take the step backward, then we should say unto you, as thy would know this person as the other B__, henceforth, he should be known as soul Bartholomew. Very deep beneath the ground there is the only source of water that shall be left in this area. He cannot kill thy spirit. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. Remember, this time we prepare you for is a time that man shall make, not our Father. Kir will be the nations final refuge for Syrian refugees. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens. The spiritual development that thy desire can only come forth from within. One moment. But do not run and hide, for that in itself is where the danger lies.. For those who should try, their souls shall be with Lucifer. However, this is purely speculative and there is no specific mention of it in the Bible. New upheavals shall happen in the proportion known as Australia. (We have been married 57 years.) [See Matthew 24:12. [Editors note: Is Aka speaking of devastation from tidal waves from underwater movement where the continental plates meet to form the mid-Atlantic ridge halfway between the U.S. and Europe? No, California is not going to fall into the ocean. Although it is impossible to predict when another earthquake will strike, geologists generally agree that the Hayward Fault will produce one within the next 30 years. Remember remember that man through many, many [planes] has written, and changed, and translated thy Bible and [thy] word of God. Stand firm in thy work for we should say of thee, write of these words. The World Economic Forum is als A teacher told a Grade 6 class that their classmate had come out as transgender, but that they "mustn't let slip their classmate's new gen Over the years, many people have been shown that someday a giant earthquake will cause significant portions of California to fall into the ocean. We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own. The time shall be lean, a few months. Next, the tools you would need to survive. It is not how strong a man may hold a sword should be his weakness, but the lack of knowledge, that is he weakness the knowledge to know when to use the sword and when to lay it down and use it no more. And this, in itself, shall be the first sign, for as he walks upon your earth, that that thy have built shall be destroyed, that that thy have placed within the ocean shall rise and poison man. This shall be the next breaking away. And if you should walk the path, you should find the bread along the way, and the multitudes shall be fed. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. If these things are acted upon, none of your group of Gods children shall be harmed.. Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. Now is not the time. Theres many of em who have thought, What is this Aka? Well, as Ive said before that my records which I was taken to study were Aka those records and the spirits of Aka are the same. We realize at this time that it would be impractical for you to drill to the depth of the pure water. Were they told what will happen one day where they live? Of thy question of thy question, this shall come as another of these warnings. But we say, behold, for the Sword that cuts two ways has begun. It would be suggested that thy should look at the old records first. First, remember that thy must not destroy. You ask of the disciples we have chosen for this work, how shall they be known? Like a magnitude 10 or larger? But journey now into the between plane. If an earthquake strikes close to your home, even if it is miles away from the fault or epicenter, you may experience damage. In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur. Now we grow [tired] no, soul Ray grows very, very tired. It says in Joshua when they crossed over the Jordan River, the Jordan River overflowed all of its banks all of the days of the harvest. Can the ground open up during an earthquake? And then there shall be a thousand years of peace upon this earth. Here two immense plates of rock, floating on a semi-molten layer, meet and move against each other in what's called a strike-slip fault. And what use has he for nothing? OPINION (MS) We just witnessed the largest earthquakes to hit California in decades, and this has caused many to search for prophecies regarding even more destructive California earthquakes in the future. Fear not. Even through incarnation they bear the scars of the eating of human flesh. But God is great. This information has come from what thy call the Mormon church. October 5, 1970: We should say to this soul then, think again, Bartholomew, for three days, first, of God, and then of the word, Aka, that we might enter your home and bring the healing that is needed there. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. It, your earth, shall gradually become closer to what is known as your sun. Again, in February 2011, as Egypts President Mubarak was stepping down, and later one country after another fell to the Arab Spring, Gods spiritual messengers spoke: Our Father will no longer hold back what is to happen.. Now, we would talk, as thy would call it, thy karma. But look unto Mexico and unto South America, for there shall soon be a rattling of the land in great masses. And from this, the house of Abraham and the house of Isaiah were built. or click Link to order.https://spiritmoveministry.coSpirit Move Apparel: https://checkout.square.site/buy/KB5E6J33B4JKY4ZXTKCMPDQA**Deliverance: Email restorationfreedom@gmail.com for more info **Her life story was featured on the 700 CLUB TV show*See Liberty's Testimony here: https://youtu.be/CeeRDNh8xkA. ]: Yes, Paul. For some In the time of David it was said, for those who would say that God -. Nay. Want to join us? And even though we have given warnings, some have not believed and had little faith, and therefore, were destroyed by their own lack of faith.. During this time, you should be prepared to provide for yourselves. Not now, but at a later time the building shall split in the center and crumble and kill contents and people in this building. We only give the warnings as they are needed. Or could such catastrophe be caused by the quiet Ramapo Fault zone, spanning more than 185 miles (300 kilometers) in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, a system of faults between the northern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont areas to the east?]. We should say unto thee, thy should make a trip soon. For as we have seen your earth. LOVE, IN EVEN THE SMALLEST THING UPON THIS EARTH, IS A MIGHTY TOOL., Aka, at this time, could you give us any more information as to the storing of food and our storing of water?. We see that thy need spiritually shall be greater at that time than any other time in thy life span. Where oceans were they are no more, yet they shall return. What does it say about the Red Sea in the Bible? Now, let the group bind closer together. On December 27, 1964, in his message Who Do You Say This Is? And that healing shall come about, for the times and the half times shall be over at that time. Where shall we begin, and where shall we end? Yet as you knelt in prayer, those who had assumed power feared you, and therefore, slayed you. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open. One time, and I think its only once in the four books I think theres four books to the New Testament that he mentions the kingdom of God is within you. In the positions of the mountains, the worst of this shall go over though. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. Fear not, for the isles of California shall emerge from them and shall become a beautiful place for you to visit and live. At that time, brother shall attack brother, sister shall hate sister, father shall slay son. Can "MegaQuakes" really happen? But remember, these cannot be sent unless thy ask. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS She has deep concern for her husband, his health, retirement and other change. We are hereto prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Thy Father asks but two things of thee, love unto Him one-tenth the love given unto thy fellow man, love unto your Father in the same manner. In the Mediterranean area, the earth shall begin to rise from the sea, in what you now call your Florida area shall rise again from the sea. Drink, each of your family, of the sage. And what would such a disaster mean for the rest of the country? Those that live within 50-mile radius of the fault, you have had our warnings. Look thee toward [the] east from which we come, and ye shall see [it]. Your San Andreas fault will give further destruction. New wars loom closely at hand. And for some there shall be many, and for some there shall be never. Therefore, we have the records before us. Get to the mountains. We are all preparing to take trips. The first shall be so small that thy shall not even feel it. [Well, you know, man,] There are many things over here, you know that, fellows like me dont quite understand, but yet, you know, its right pretty here. Published 07/08/2022 The Have me a Vision of California under water and it had disappeared. But what is the issue on that day or that hour? Jesus asked. "The Lord gave me Vision of California under water and it had disappeared." Other places shall be altered in their form. The 8.5 we have mentioned shall come forth before the months end. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such. Now, on the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. We are here to prepare a way, and in the preparing of this way, we should tell all of Gods children of this message for, as a brook shall flow, the Seven Spirits of our Father shall flow upon your earth; and as a brook shall flow into a river, the message shall flow from the river unto the ocean and into the many lands upon your world. That is not going to happen before that storm comes. And the Cherub shall be the highest angel in Gods kingdom. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. Store seed of all natures. The third, thy will feel it, for the ground shall shake all around thee, and some will die. Check the old records. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem. And we have said unto you that the times and half times are at an end. Through free enterprise, control your own lives. Remember, you shall make mistakes, many of them, and you shall find yourself upon the ground, and the gentle hands of God helping you up. In Jesus name, amen. If, in thy karma and this is one that thy and soul Ray does not understand as thy live through thy plane of life, each step is like a ladder, your climbing from whence thy came. But fear not. If thy should say a prayer to God and mean this prayer for Lucifer, then Lucifer shall answer the prayer and not our Father. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. And then there are times when thy would stay in one position until thy strength should grow, and then thy may climb higher. That is, the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake. Get to high places. Now, you have other questions. To the tune of a fire, I will destroy Hazaels house, destroying Ben-hadads strongholds. There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. The new mothers shall leave the buildings without clothing to protect them. [See Matthew 24:19.]. A prophecy that I made about 1935 or . Has he nowhere to go, but to search and search again and never find what he searches for? Yes, there are safe places. he said, "Look at the earthquakes over here in California. Therefore, we should say unto thee at this time, during the months, as thy would count, of July and August, continuing through the month of October, we find that in thy present area another of Gods warnings should soon reach down onto thy earth, and therefore, we find great danger for Gods children. If you follow that which you know that can be true, then make that decision of what you must do within your own heart. The land you seek shall be part of an island in the later days, when the isles of California shall come forth. The San Andreas fault system, and associated fault systems within southern and central California are a result of the Pacific Plate moving northwest along the North American Plate. And the blessings of that day, you shall see again my eyes through his.. Do not panic, for as yet these are but warnings., [Editors note: Only one earthquake of significance is listed in the years between 1950 and 2005. He is widely regarded as having written in a foreign language; the majority of his predictions rely heavily on decoding of his 16th-century writings. As these earthquakes happen, a great melting of the same shall happen.